"Maggie!?" My dad calls from down the hall. My eyes go wide and I motion for Peter to stop and stay still. I walk towards my door and Peter flips over the sofa and hides beside my bed. "Did you want any hot chocolate?" He asks as I open my door a bit.

"No dad! Honestly that's for little kids. Why would I want any!"

"I just thought I remembered someone saying their dream was to live in a chocolate house, just a few days ago."

"Well I was delusional. That's  unhealthy!" I slam the door, then reopen it "And fattening!" I slam it again. I run my hand down the door as I sigh deeply, and I opened my door once again. Slowly. "I'm sorry. I just- cramps. And I just, I'm not feeling very well. It's- it's brutal trust me you don't wanna know."

"I got it." My dad throws his hands up in understandment, obviously a little uncomfortable. "I got it."

"Thank you. Love you daddy."

"Love you too, sweetie." He says as I'm already shutting my door. I inhaled deeply and sighed with my head resting against the door. I turn around and see Peter isn't on the sofa, and then see his head pop up from behind my bed.

"Chocolate house?" He smiles. I roll my eyes and mock him, as he just snickers at me.

"Shut up and get back on the sofa." I say. He winces as he gets up off the ground, I walk over to help him up. "Okay, now take your suit off. Let me help you." He pressed the center of his suit, and it loosened and fell to the ground. "Now come here," I grab his hand and arm to help him, "lay down on the sofa."


"Ssh." I say, getting up heading towards my door. I open it and make sure no one is there I run to the bathroom and go under the sink for the first aid kit and bring it back to my room. I shut the door quietly and continue towards Peter, who is now in just his boxers or the sofa. "How bad does it hurt?" I say loving at him biting my lip. I'm always so worried about him everytime he goes out, cause I don't know what going to happen or if..maybe..he won't come back.

"I'm fine really, it doesn't hurt that much." He tries to convince me, but that's not what his face and eyes say. I use a wet rag I also grabbed in the bathroom and slowly but gently run is across the cuts on his chest. Peter stares at me intently while I do so. I can feeling him eyes, full of adoration and love, just glaring at me. I look up from his bloody wounded chest to meet his eyes.

"What?" I laugh. He just continues to stare at me, only now his eyes move between mine and my lips. He slowly leans up off the couch, moving closer to me. My eyes now moving between his and his lips, a small smile appears on my lips. He leans in slowly as do I, our lips are so close we can feel each others slow breathing on our lips. "Easy bug boy." I say smiling teasingly.

"What'd you call me?" He laughs. He continues to lean in and try to kiss me, he brought his hand up and places it on my neck to bring me in closer to him. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the feeling, but I just couldn't shake the thought, of this dangerous and possibly unforgiven life for him, out of my head.

"No" I say hushed turning my head a bit away from his, so he can't kiss me.

"Yes" he whispers, moving to kiss my neck.

"No" I say again, still moving away from his lips.

"Yes" he whispers once again, placing his lips on my neck. My hand was in his hair, trying my best to fight this urge to give in and just let him have me.

"I know what this is."

"What is this?" He huffed a laughed.

"Everyday, I have to worry about you. I have to hope that you'll be safe. That nothing will happen to you. But you go and do your superhero thing, and I always remember thinking 'I don't know if you're going to come back'. I never know what's going on, or what's going to happen to you. I never know if you're going to make it back to me later that day." Peter looks into my eyes that were welling up with tears, and he places his hands on the sides of my face.

"I got you." He whispers, I place my hand on his and lean into his touch. "Okay? Okay?" He whispers so quietly it's barely audible. "I gotta stop them. I gotta stop these criminals and mutants. I have to. I'm the only one looking out for Queens, and who can actually do something about this people."

"What are you talking about?"

"The cops, they can't handle thes certain situations, and even when they can they just- they don't try their hardest. I have to look out for the people here. For Queens. For you. Okay? This is my responsibility." I lean down and kiss his palm. "Hey. Hey. Why don't we just get out of here. Just for a minute." He says putting his fingers under my chin my bring my face up to his.

"No. No I can't, my parents would kill my if they saw me leave." I look in his eyes. He just smiles at me.

"Your parents aren't going to see you leave.." after getting dressed  we sneak out onto my fire escape. "Hold on." I wrap my arms around his neck. He didn't both putting on his suit since it's ripped. "Jump  up." I look at him confused and he just smiles at me so I do it. When I'm in the air he grabs my waist  and wraps my legs around his. He shoots a web to the top of the building across us. "You ready?" He looks at me.

"Yeah." I smile and bite my lip. I love when he swings me over Queens, New York. It's so beautiful. It definitely has to be one of the best benefits to being Spiderman. The view of Queens he gets. He looks at me jumps off.
If you can't tell I really love Peter and Gwen. They are my favorites. I absolutely love The Amazing Spider-man /2  and honestly I think they are extremely underrated. I feel Andrew, or Emma, doesn't get enough credit and recognition for their work. They did absolutely amazing in the movies.

Also I'm really trying my best to get a lot of chapter out there. Whether it be for my T.H Imagines, my mob tom, my P.P Imagines whatever the case. I'm really trying to post as much as possibly. I  am working on like two chapter of my t.H Imagines and hopefully going to have them posted soon, so just be patient with me and I'm really sorry I'm taking so long.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2019 ⏰

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