-Chapter 2- •Trouble Approaches•

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Kuro giggles again but his expression quickly turns into a blanker one as he faces Shiko who is kinda staring at him. She feels in debt and looks down again.

Kuro: Hey, look at me. He says in a voice that doesn't convey much emotion

Shiko: I.. I don't have anything I can give you... says very silently as she keeps looking down

Kuro: bends towords Shiko to get to the same height as her
Hmmm... tell me?

Shiko: h-hm.....?

Kuro: Tell me. Tell me what you wanted to tell Nagisa, but couldn't.. smiles lightly like he's playing around

Shiko: H-hm? She slowly looks at Kuro, confused and surprised about what he wants

Kuro: Go Ahead smirks

Shiko: Thinks silently for a moment and looks at her dress
I... I like this dress... it's one of my favorites... my little sister picked it out for me and it's the most comfortable thing I have... I don't want anything bad to... she cuts herself for a moment and lifts her head at Kuro, realizing she talked more than she thought she was gonna

Kuro is smirking

Shiko: Her faces gets red as she falls silent
I-I'm Sorry! I shouldn't have...umm... she looks around
I-I have to go check the list!
Her voice is at a normal speaking volume instead of whispers for once

Kuro: his smirk turns into a blank face again
I know this school. You don't have a dorm mate and you are at the first dorm in front of the stairs, The one who gets the most noise.

Shiko: sigh Not Again... she says silently

Kuro: Hm? Looks at her face in a questioning yet oddly cute way, he's not trying to be cute, but that's how he ends up looking

Shiko: her face gets completely red, she quickly bows a little in respect and rushes to her dorm room, gets in, locks the door. As soon as she's inside, she faceplates into her bed; questioning everything that just happened. what? why? And how?

Kuro looks at her door and shucks his shoulders. He goes up to the males dorm floor, gets into his own room which is bigger than Shiko's and closes his door. his room is bigger than Shiko's only because it's not in the corner of the corridor, he sits on his own desk, Haru is his roommate and is laying on his own bed in the room

Haru: So? Did you meet with Ghost Girl? He's playing a game on his PSP

Kuro: Takes out a notebook and starts writing some stuff in it
Well I suppose I did, the info you gave was certainly useful.

Haru: How so? I only told you that she was in 11th grade, is silent AF, always gets bullied and that she doesn't have any friends? You can pretty much tell all that just by looking at her can't you? Dies in game Damn it! I died! Sighs and lays sideways looking at Kuro
Why do you care anyway? Aren't there many girls like her in school? All quiet and stuff?

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