"Let's go, little one," he mumbled, grabbing her hand and dragging her toward Chewton Glen's reception area. As they walked closer, Zoe could feel the anticipation bubbling in her stomach. As they walked through the door, shaking hands and saying hello to the staff that they had grown to know over their frequent visits, she instantly caught a flash of red out of the corner of her eye. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, she finally took in the sight in front of her - her brother seated on a large sofa, clinking his glass of champagne with Dianne's, who was leaning comfortably against him, her legs resting on top of his, and her arm stretched out on the sofa behind his shoulders. Her fingers reached out to brush a lock of his floppy hair out of his eyes, and she watched as Joe spoke quietly into her ear - surely cracking one of his usual jokes - as Dianne threw her head back and laughed.

"Oh my god," Zoe whispered, as Alfie came to stand beside her. "This is real."

"Of course, it's real," Alfie chuckled. "Come on."

"Zoe! Alfie!" she heard Joe shout as he turned his head, catching sight of them standing somewhat awkwardly in the middle of the lobby. "A bit of champagne, after your long journey?"

Zoe grinned at the weird voice he put on, as he gently lifted Dianne's legs and stood and bowed like a waiter. She watched as Dianne covered her mouth to hold in her giggles, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks as she turned her attention toward the ground, smoothing any wrinkles out of her clothes before standing up and turning toward them shyly.

"Dianne!" Zoe squealed, unable to hold it in anymore, as she jogged forward and pulled the redhead into a tight embrace.

"Alright, glad to see where I rank now," Joe grumbled beside them, but as Zoe peeked out over Dianne's shoulder, she saw a smile spreading across his face, light practically beaming off of him as he watched his sister hug his girlfriend.

"Sorry Joseph, I would say you're still number one in my book, but Di is rapidly rising in the polls," Zoe teased, letting Dianne go and turning toward Joe to pull him in to a hug. "She deserves the high ranking, putting up with you and your two left feet for twelve weeks."

Joe shoved her playfully, hugging Alfie, before flopping back on the sofa and grabbing Dianne's hand to pull her down next to him. "Seriously, guys, drink that champagne. Otherwise Di and I will fall asleep before we even make it to the tree houses."

Zoe watched as he tried to hold back a yawn, clearly still knackered from the whirlwind that was Strictly Come Dancing. She also noticed he hadn't let go of Dianne's hand, his fingers slowly locking and unlocking between hers. Zoe realized Dianne still hadn't said much, and she felt the sudden urge to make her feel as welcome as possible.

"Good drive here?" Alfie piped up before Zoe could say anything and she fought back the urge to roll her eyes. Such a boy thing to ask.

"It was nice," Dianne smiled, "We sang all our Strictly songs like the weirdos that we are."

Zoe laughed, "You're not sick of them?"

"It wasn't my request," Dianne jerked her head backwards toward Joe, laughing as she winked. "Someone seems to be missing it a bit."

Joe rolled his eyes, nudging her with his elbow before whining, "Don't tell them all my soppy secrets."

"Soppy Sugg," Alfie mused, "Never thought I'd see the day."

Zoe beamed, watching as Joe turned red, with a wide goofy smile on his face as he gazed at the woman seated next to him. She felt a weird warm sensation in her chest watching her brother like this, with his hand grasping Dianne's tightly, and his heart eyes on full display.

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