Learning to be a Vampire~Chapter 2

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"Well, would you look at the time! Better go do that thing I had planned to do now." Fern rambled, quickly backing her way to the kitchen door in hopes of leaving before her mother could process her cuss word.

Mother just stood in the kitchen, her brown eyes wide and jaw slacked with shock at her daughters cuss word.

Fern quickly turned on her heel, fast walking to the door. Please, don't yell my full name...

Just as Fern made it out the kitchen door, it hit. "Fernanda Valerie Omalley! I know you didn't just cuss in front of your Mother!" mother screeched, her angry voice seeming to echo through out the walls.

That's it, time for plan B. Run.

Fern squeaked with surprise before running out of the dinning room, past the connecting living room and up the circular stairs, grabbing the smooth wooden handle as she took the steps two at a time. Mother was really angry.

Not a moment after Fern reached the top of the stairs did she hear her mothers loud footsteps pounding from the dinning room, through the living room and stomp up the stairs at a deadly slow pace.

Ah, Mothers shouldn't be this scary! Fern thought to herself, running passed three opened doors before stumbling into her open room at the end of the hall, slamming the door closed and pushing the doorknobs lock.

Mothers footsteps continued up the stairs, continuing their deadly slow pace.

Ah, this must be what it feels like to be in a horror movie! Fern thinks to herself, rushing from her bedroom door to her bed, quickly lifting her purple comforter and diving under the fluffy mass.

Finally, mothers footsteps momentarily stop, probably reaching the top of the stairs. Maybe mother wouldn't be able to find her. One could only hope.

Instead of checking the other rooms, mothers footsteps headed strait down the hallway, all the way down to Ferns room.

Fern groaned into her black sheets, feeling stupid. All the doors she ran past were open while her door was obviously closed. Ugh, mothers always notice the little things like that too.

After what felt like hours, mother banged her fist on Ferns bedroom door with such force Fern almost began to think maybe her mother had some type of supernatural power. Oh wait, she does. She's a mother.

"Open this door Fernanda! No locking doors in this house!" mother shouted, hitting the door a couple more times before attempting to turn the locked handle.

"No!" Fern shouted back, pushing her comforter away so she was just sitting on her twin sized bed while facing the door. "You're just going to put soap in my mouth!"

It was true, mother skipped right past scolding and went right to the worst part: the soap. Only question, is it Bar or Liquid this time?

Mother stopped her banging, stomping one foot on the the ground like a child. "Damn right I'm going to put soap in your mouth! You cussed about male genitalia right in front of me!"

"N-No I didn't! I was-uh- talking about balls as in bouncy balls!" Fern lied, trying to save herself from the soap. Suddenly, the sharp pain from earlier in the kitchen returned, stabbing angrily all over her brain.

But, just like last time, the pain vanished before Fern could even scream. How odd, Fern thought, slowly moving off her bed and to the door where her mother was still hitting the door.

"Better get this over with." Fern breathed out, quickly unlocking the door by turning the knob and opening door inwards, surprising her mother.

Mother cleared her throat, fixing her wrinkled white blouse before stepping inside Ferns room, one hand clearly holding a bar of soap.

"Alright, Fernanda. Open up."


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