The clocks

18 1 0

The man took my hand and put me in his car. He didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye to Via. He threw my bags into the trunk and got in the car. He didn't even glance at me. Does this happen with every orphan? No, I saw some of my friends leave with their new parents. They were opened with a warm hug. So why was he so different?
The ride was long, we left the comfort of the city lights to long stretches of creepy woods. The sun was just starting to wake, but the sky is too cloudy and gloomy here to even notice. I soon fall asleep.

I wake up in a room, it's a small room. I am laying on a very run down mattress. I see a small door across from me. I hesitantly go and open it. There is a long hallway in front of me. Clocks covering both sides. I looked back at the small room I was in. Should I go back? No. I must know who this man is. I must find out why he wanted me. I slowly took a step forward, I stood outside the door of the tiny room. The clocks were all different times. Going off in all different directions. The door to the room slammed behind me followed by my scream. It's just the wind. Yeah. Only the wind. Nothing to worry about. I slowly walk down the hall, it seems to go on forever. After what seemed like ages of walking and the clocks ringing and tweeting and ticking I found a door. I slowly opened it too see the man sitting in a chair reading. "Your awake I see", the man said without turning around. "Who are you?" I asked.
"Me? Why Lillian. I'm your uncle of course". He stands to face her a smirk spreading across his face, and those eyes. The eyes that are emeralds. Glistening with that same smile.

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