They were both cut off by Midoriya appearing in front of them.

"You both need to get your acts together. Anyways, we're all going out to the mall for lunch, and yes, before you ask, some of the first years are coming. You don't have to come, but it'd be nice if you did." Midoriya says, giving them a certain look. Katsuki stood up from the couch he was sitting on, walking past Todoroki and giving him a nasty look as he passed.
"I'll get ready."


"Ah, Katsu-senpai!" (Y/n)'s soft, cute voice graces Katsuki's ears, making him feel a little bit less irritated. He shuffles next to her, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Are you going to mall with us too?" (Y/n) questions, smiling softly at Katsuki. He nods, his red eyes right ahead of them as he watched the rest of the third years rush around with each other. Jiro linking her hands with Yaoyorozu, the two teens laughing as Kaminari does something idiotic. The atmosphere was so calm, so lighthearted. It would have been nice, but Katsuki knew all too well that even when things were going great a gang of villains could attack.
"It's Friday, so you'll be doing training with Aizawa tomorrow, right?" Katsuki asks, turning his red gaze to (Y/n). He realizes how cute she looks. She's wearing a black turtleneck, the arm sleeves pulled up just below her elbows. A soft gray skirt, black leggings, and a pair of cute white boots. She looked, in very simple terms, very fucking cute.
"Oh, yeah! He can get pretty intense when we train, but I'm used to it by now. I think that maybe one day I can beat him during training!" Cutely pumping her fist in the air, Katsuki smiles as she looks entirely comfortable. His face suddenly goes serious.
"You should be more careful, you shouldn't overexert yourself." Katsuki says, but before he could say anything more because a girl with bright pink hair wrapped her arms around (Y/n) and nearly knocked her over.

"Misa!" (Y/n) exclaims, looking a bit flustered.
The excited girl, whose name was apparently Misa, laughed and let go a bit.
"Aren't you excited, (N/n)?" She exclaims, not seeming to notice the tall blonde she had pushed past to bet to her friend.

The two girls started to talk, and Katsuki found himself being dragged away by Ashido and Sero.


Getting to know the older girls was exciting, and they were all so nice, too! (Y/n), though younger than them, seemed just as mature as them, which was something both Jiro and Yaoyorozu seemed to appreciate.

"It's nice to meet someone so... not excitable." Kyoka says, laughing a bit as her dark eyes trail over to Kaminari, who at the moment was making an utter fool of himself. Momo nodded, smiling gracefully as she motioned towards (Y/n).
"How about you? Are you enjoying the Hero Course?" Momo asks, her black hair tickling her cheeks as she had left it down today. (Y/n) smiles widely, her cheeks turning a bit pink as she thought of how big the library was.
"I love the library! The books that this school has are amazing, you know?"

Momo makes a surprised face.

"Oh, you like the library? Maybe, if you wanted, we could study there once in awhile. Though they try to make it seem a lot more difficult, the third year education isn't as different as they make it out to be. Besides, you seem like a smart girl, it shouldn't be too challenging for you."
Hearing her upperclassman say such a thing, (Y/n) felt her cheeks light up hotly in embarrassment. It was cute, even Kyoka could admit that.
"Ah, I'd really like that!"

"Geez, don't look so disappointed, Bakugou!" Eijiro nudges the explosive blonde next to him, laughing as Katsuki huffs out in mild irritation. He hadn't thought of it, but Yaoyorozu was right. The curriculum wasn't as different from when they were first years, and he hadn't thought of that when he'd wanted to study with her. Besides, there was no way (Y/n) wanted to study with him anyway, she'd be seeing too much of him anyways because of their extra training that they'd be doing together.
"Shush, Kirishima!" Mina started, laughing as she watches Katsuki's face contort several times. Going from irritated to embarrassed to angry to irritated once again.
"Can't you see Bakugou is seething? His little kouhai isn't paying him any attention!" Mina coos, smiling as Sero lets out a loud laugh.
Katsuki blushes hotly, looking to the side as the rest of the squad pokes fun at him, except for Kaminari, who like mentioned before, was making a fool of himself.

"What do you think they're laughing about?" (Y/n) asks the two girls.
Kyoka, who had overheard what they were saying, simply laughed and patted (Y/n) on the head.
"They always act like that. They like making Bakugou mad." Kyoka explains, smiling as the younger girl make an 'o' shape with her lips and nods softly. (Y/n) decided she really liked Momo and Kyoka. Yaoyorozu was the graceful beauty, while Jiro was the punk-rock senpai. It was great, she thought they were amazing.
"I'm honestly surprised, though." Kyoka murmurs, sliding her arm over (Y/n)'s shoulder gently and pulling her close.
"Bakugou really seems soft whenever he's around you. Sure, he's calmed down a lot since we were first years, but he still isn't really calm." Kyoka explains, smiling as the younger girl gives her a confused look.
"Back when we were with Aizawa-sensei, Bakugou blew up at everyone all of the time. Honestly, he was like an angry Pomeranian!" The purple haired girl laughed, suddenly stopping when (Y/n) did. The younger girl had an amazed expression on her cute face.

"What... what is that?"

They were in front of a Hot Topic.

Jiro Kyoka was about to have the time of her life.


"You look way too cute." Kyoka says as she looks at the little outfit (Y/n) was trying on.
A dark red skirt with a chain hanging off the side and a Supernatural themed t-shirt making her look cute as hell, along with a beautiful black choker. Much to Kyoka's surprise, (Y/n) loved the gothic style, she thought it was really cute!
"I really would've taken you for a pastel kind of girl, y'know?" Momo said, standing behind the two girls with a curious look on her face.
"Ah, I do! Pastel's really cute, but I like this type of stuff too." (Y/n) explains, smiling softly as she slides between the thin fabric that was indeed the changing room.
"You should buy it! If you don't have enough money I'll buy it for you!" Kyoka exclaims through the thin material, feeling a little giddy. Hanging out with Yaoyorozu was great, of course, but it was nice to know someone who had the same kind of tastes.

(Y/n) opens the curtain and smiles nervously, the outfit hanging on her arm.

"Y-You don't have to do that, Jiro-senpai. I'd feel really bad if you did that, it'd be rude of me, wouldn't it?" (Y/n) asks, her cheeks flushing hotly as the purple haired girl grabs her by the shoulders.

"I'm doing it, you look way too fucking cute for me not to."

Kyoka payed for the outfit, handing the bag to the shorter girl.

"Thank you, I should really you back though..." (Y/n) starts to trail off, her cheeks turning a soft pink color as she looks at Kyoka.
"Don't worry about it. Consider it my... welcoming gift?"

Whether that made any sense didn't really matter, because Mina and the rest of the squad rushed over to them.

"You took her to Hot Topic? Geez, you're going to turn her emo!" Mina whined, pumping her fists into the air.

(Y/n) smiled, looking over to Bakugou.

"Did you at least get something that you liked?" Katsuki asks, looking at (Y/n) with a half interested gaze.
She nods happily, and that was enough for him.

{I honestly do see Baugou being more tame once he's a third year. I mean, he's already had a lot of character development, so it definitely wouldn't surprise me if he did act a little softer. If it wasn't for him getting the proper development that he did, I would probably hate Bakugou, so I'm really glad he isn't as much of an asshole as he used to be.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and let me know what you guys think so far!}

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