Chapter 20 No Replacements Found

Start from the beginning

"Are you going out? Walk where there is less people" because see that straight ahead have two three groups playing water with each other as well as have groups of four to five children playing ball in their rubber floats excitedly...also saw sis Fing in a one piece suit the far distance playing volleyball with younger group of boys. If she ever sees us, she'll called out to us to play along as well. (think of the horror) better leave quick

"Let's go now"

Me and Tee walk upstairs towards the waterfall which had 7 floors up ahead. The further we went the less people there are. The playful screams, the sound of the splash, began to become vague and makes things more excited. We stop at the fourth floor, because if go further up than this, the cliff will be steeper and water flow will be deeper as well. (I saw a lot of warning signs that are forbidden to go further. Maybe there was an accident before.) On the fourth floor, It is very wide and beautiful, the water is emerald green, and the plants on the side is blossom and lush, just like the picture taken in the movie! I really want to go down and play now, let me jump without regrets, yeah! ! ! ! !

"Don't jump, go slowly." ARGHHHHHH!!! I'm so irritated of this Tee, I turned to him and gave a annoying huff. Then I set aside my clothes on a nearby tree branch and little by little descend down into the waterhole. Uwaa....the water feels very cooling. Refreshing as well!

"Hurry up and come down, the water is just cooling!" I scoop up water and hurl it towards ai'Tee who is still arranging the clothes in a neatly order. I can hear vaguely his complains about his cell phone getting wet, but who cares! If such little water can hit an iPhone, then they shouldn't be selling it at all. I continue to scoop up water and splash at him. This time is not really called splashing at him but it's a ninja turtle wave power squirt*! Heheh Take this...!! Muahahah! look at his back wet half, very satisfied! He finally finish arranging the clothes and turned around and signalled a punishment for me.

"Having so much fun, right? That's fine—" he rushes in a running dog position and don't tell me he's going to jump over! Heyyy....BOOM!! there, miss no sooner said than done!! A huge wave of water rolling completely all over me, and even went up to my nose! Ohh!! This joker of an asshole!! I want to jump like that too!!!!

"You, cheater!!"

I don't wait any longer, I rush to grab his head of this idiot's big body and push down into the water, not taking care of the height difference between us. Obviously, Tee didn't react fast enough. I didn't expect my attack speed to be so fast!

"Fuse! Don't play like this!!... Cough and cough!!" now Tee is underneath my mighty control where I sat piggyback to grab hold and push down into the water to show that I'm stronger. (this is what ai'Moh thought me last year when we went to the sea.) haha Tee was splashing hurriedly like a naughty dog now.

"It be more fun if you can throw me down also! Hahaha" I challenge him to do that, if he's that concerned about me, he may not be brave enough to do it.

"Cough, you get down first, it's heavy, cough!....I don't know how to swim, and it's so deep here, Fuse...cough! my leg can't reach the bottom..." no way, I'm not going to be tricked again!

"What....only this little cannot take it..." I refused to come down, but the smile on his face slowly faded away, his eyes blink frequently staring higher at the water level... He gradually stopped struggling... and finally did not move.

"Tee...Tee...I'm not joking here..."

"......................................" Silent....I felt that Tee 's body was no longer floating, but gradually sank to the bottom of the water.

"Hey...Tee you ass...." I quickly got down from him, shit what happened? His entire body sank down into the water, and I avoid him, shocked and stunned, then I calm myself down and then hugged his arm full of muscles and kick my two legs fervently around the water for support to keep both of us afloat.

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