Chapter 3: Facing the Phoenix

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I chased after her but before I could make it in the bathroom with her, she violently slammed the door and locked it. I froze where I stood on the other side of the door, sighing once I realised that she wouldn't be opening the door any time soon. But I had to try. I lifted my arm to knock on the door before I was interrupted, "What just happened?" A confused Fransisco asked, having only been woken up after the slam of the bathroom door.

I slowly turned around, my cheeks burning up since I knew the cause of all this was my fault. I could almost hear my heartbeat as I finally tried to speak, "Uh, goodmorning Fran!" I smiled, trying to pretend nothing was wrong.

"Morning, what happened?" He said, immediately going back to the question.
I watched as his eyes made their way towards the bathroom door, as my smile faded into a worried expression once more. It was obvious that he knew someone was on the other side of the door; that someone being Phoenix. I would try to stall him or make up an excuse but Phoenix would hear me from the other side and potentially become even more mad with me. I needed to talk with her without Fransisco being there which would make things worse.

"Something...something happened, I'll explain later. If you don't mind, I really need to talk to Phoenix, just the two of us." I explained, with a serious expression.

"Oh, alright." He looked a bit worried, but understood, "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me...or anything." He said as he left. I let out a breath; now that he was gone, it was time to face Phoenix. The next challenge was getting my black haired friend to open the door.

I knocked lightly on it, calling her name in a questionable tone and awaited a reply. Instead of hearing her say anything back, I heard sobs. I sighed, trying to think up another way of doing this. "Phoenix, please open the door. I have to explain what happened." I stated what it was that I wanted.

"That you and Fran cheated with each other behind my back!?" I heard her say in a voice louder than her usual. From her loud voice, I panicked a little as I thought Fran may have heard. I didn't want him involved in this.

"Look Phoe, it was a misunderstanding-"

"Oh, how clichè." She cut me off but to my surprise opened the door anyway. Her cheeks were wet, eyes still filled with tears. I felt so bad that it was my fault she was like this. "What the fuck happened, Summer?" She said in a lower voice than what she'd been speaking from inside the bathroom. 

I paused, unsure if I wanted to confess how jealous I've felt towards her ever since Fran and her had become a thing. I instead started with how I got drunk and accidentally ended up in his bed.

"How the fuck did you mix up your own bedroom for his!?" She asked me in an annoyed and clearly pissed off tone.

"Look, I was really drunk. Anyway, once I woke up, I noticed Fran was there and-"

"Wait, he went to bed with you there!?" This seemed to tick her off even more. She stormed off into to the kitchen to where Fran was. Now I had done it.


A/N: Ok I need to stop talking about how short my chapters are and accept that they'll probably all be around this size 😂 anyway, thanks once again for reading 💜 stay tuned!

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