an eternal bond

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The next 2 chapters will be about their conversations they have, this first chapter will be about the Phoenix sharing some of their stories so far, including the clones, and the next will be about inferno sharing their stories.

Both Inferno Squad and Phoenix went near the seats, with most sitting down and a few standing. All getting ready to share their stories and hear the others. But before they started, Iden wanted to know something

"Before we start, may I ask. Who's child is that?"

"That's my son, Jason. He's just over four years old, and he loves to travel with us whenever it's safe for him" Hera replied.

"You excited kid?" Kanan asked.

"Yes daddy" Jason answered, who had already won the hearts of Inferno.

"He's adorable, so you're his dad then?" Iden asked Kanan.

"Yep, kinda glad I am one." He looked at Ezra, referring to Lothal's liberation.

"You should be, he looks like a great child." Del complimented, and Seyn followed.

"He looks just like you two" She then spots three members of the squadron, and asks "Are you three clone troopers?"

"We sure are, some of the last one left. And we're gonna last even longer" Rex answered.

"We'd love to hear everyone's names" Iden asked.

"With pleasure. I'll introduce them all.

"Please do, we're all ears." Del added, and Hera began.

"As you now know, I'm General Hera syndulla. The leader of the Phoenix squadron. Next to me is my partner Kanan Jarrus."

"Pleasure to meet you three"

"Beside us is our son Jason."

"Hello Inferno" Inferno thought Jason was adorable, and Hera continued.

"These two troublemakers are Ezra and Sabine."

"Nice to meet you." Ezra said, and Sabine added "It's awesome to meet you. And for the record Hera, he's the troublemaker."

"I can relate, I'm the 'troublemaker' here" Del responded, and both Iden and Seyn nodded.

"The big guy here is Zeb. He's the muscle of the group.

"Great to see you. I'm apparently the 'scary one' as these two call me."

Inferno all smirked, and Hera carried on.

"Our Droid, we call Chopper. "

Hello everyone. And, Apparently, I'm the annoying one? Chopper added.

"You are Chopper" Zeb replied.

"These next three we recruited before we joined the Rebellion on Yavin four. Their names are Alex, Becky and gael and their code names are Alpha, Beta and Gamma"

They all three give a quick salute and Alex says "Glad to meet you."

"You noticed the three clones. Firstly we have Rex."

"Pleased to meet you."

"The next one down is Wolfe."

"Hey there. I'm also the protective one of the group"

"And finally Gregor."

"It's great seeing fine trained personnel such as yourselves"

"Thank you, we can say the same about you lot" Iden replies.

(Inferno Squad AU Story Number 2) Welcome to the new republicWhere stories live. Discover now