Ehm... people...

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Okay, I have two opinions, so please read it all.

I thought I should comment on this as I went from 9 comment to 125 within 5 hours... which would be great if it wasn't....... well, what the comments were.

Firstly; To the ones standing up for me. Thank you! It means a lot, and I'm so happy you care enough to actually stand up for me. Thank you for not wanting anyone to insult me and thank you for protecting me.
Having said that, I should also say, I'm okay.
I wrote the chapter to be a bitch. I wrote the chapter to be some angst. I didn't except anyone to care so much, but I was happy that so many reads my story and cares about it enough to comment when I write depressing shit too.

What I'm trying to say is;
Thank you for caring about both me and my story. Thank you for not being adoras to tell me when I'm a bitch (cause yes, I was. That was the whole point of the chapter. I was at school and wrote it to not having to start on my homework.)
Thank you for standing up for me. Thank you for caring about me. Thank you for not wanting me to feel bad about updating and writing. Whatever the reason for you to stand up for me, thank you.

But what was said in the comments are a bit too much.
I've also called someone a bitch when they wrote something that ripped my heart out. Or when they discontinued a story I loved.

So. Stop it.
We've all done the exactly same. We've all called someone a bitch, and an arsehole, and a motherfucking heartripper (Or alike). And we've all stood up for someone against someone else when they've done it.
So calm down, people. It's okay. It really is

Please stop attacking each other....


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