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Loud ringing filled the air of the silent and dark bedroom, echoing in the spacious 4 wall bedroom earning two pained and muffled groans. From under the covers a slender arm appeared and reach for the ground, the fingers groping the clothes that were on the ground searching for the source of the ear splitting sound with no avail however.

Then from behind the owner of the slender arm, a deep and husky voice whispered roughly "Looking for this?" the owner of the slender arm shuffled around on the large spacious bed, turning to the owner of the deep and husky, clearly masculine voice, their eyes opening just a smidge, enough to locate the ringing phone that was hanging in the air.

A low hum left their lips as their hand rose into the air and grabbed it, slender and smooth fingers brushing against slightly rough and calloused one before they grabbed the phone and pulled it to the owner's ear, answering it on the way. "Anna where are you?" a female, chirpy and very loud voice came from the other side of the phone, causing both parties on the bed to wince at the loud noise.

The owner of the phone, Anna as it appeared to be, hummed in confusion, "Seriously where are you? I thought you came back to the hotel after I left with that hottie." the same person inquired, this time much quieter, although confusion and worry was evident in their words. The eyelids that had opened a smidge when it was to grab the phone flew wide open.

Before them was a dark room, clearly not theirs making the owner  sit up quickly and curse "Mierda." a chuckle from the other side was heard as the person, or rather the man that had been laying to the so called Anna also sat up in alarm when Anna did, his eyes also wide open with confusion swimming in them. "I-I'll... I'll be there in a few..." Anna claimed before ending the call and burying her face in her hands.

"Uh..." the man next to Anna began, raising his hand and reaching for Anna's bare shoulder but halted halfway as his own phone began to ring, prompting him to turn to his side of the bed and down to the ground to grab his phone, a picture of a ginger man doing a crazy face as the ID caller being able to be seen before he pressed it to his ear.

"Harry?" the man inquired confused, "I don't know where you are but you need to get here before breakfast." the ginger man who appeared to be the caller breathed out, barely loud enough for Anna to hear, however before the man next to her had time to reply the call ended, leaving him to pull his phone from his ear and look at it.

Realization seemed to be hitting the man and woman as they slowly moved their heads to the side and looked at each other, a big portion of the events from the previous night flashing through their eyes causing their cheeks to become slightly flushed. Both of them tried to come up with excuses for their actions but every time they opened their mouths no words came out, that was until the man forced himself to get up and turn on the lamp on the bedside table.

This made a screech like squeal to escape the woman who instantly used the bed sheet to cover her body and face, face that had gotten as red as a tomato as soon as she saw the naked man before her, scaring the man himself, who quickly bent down and grabbed his white button up from the previous night and used it to cover himself. "You-You can look now."  he said, voice breaking slightly as he looked at the apparent brunette woman.

Anna slowly uncovered her beet red face and looked at the man before, he had a well built body, his blading hair was blondish brown and his eyes were blue, as she gave him a once over so did the man, Anna had dark brown hair, hazel eyes and a slender build. "Will." the man introduced, making sure to have the button up secured as he extended one of his hands, "Anna." Anna replied in a shy tone, extending her hand and shaking his before pulling it back quickly to make sure her body was hidden.

"Why don't you go shower fist?" Will offered, giving Anna a sheepish smile while retracting his hand as well and rubbing the back of his neck. Anna quickly nodded, liking the idea very much, especially since she was dying to drown her embarrassment, she swung her legs of the side of the bed and reaching down to grab her things before she stood up.

A sharp pain ran to her making her stumble slightly but she ignored it, forcing herself to keep making her way to the bathroom while collecting her clothes, all but slamming the door shut the second she was in the bathroom.

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