Start from the beginning

[ Note to readers: This starts the next morning ]

I woke up to the sound of 2ne1's "I am the best" ringing in my ear. I groaned out aloud and slammed a pillow on top of my head trying to soften the sound of the deafening alarm. As much as I loved them, this was not the right time for a song like this. Was I at a concert? Was I dreaming, or is this reality? I really couldn't figure out. But after hearing it ring incessantly for the next few minutes, I finally decided that a dream couldn't be so annoying and dragged my fatigue figure off the bed and sat down at the edge of the bed. Opening my eyes just slightly and rubbing it gently, I surveyed my surroundings. Still at the hotel. And it was still dark with just a hint of the soft moon's glow outside. I opened the windows and took a deep breath of fresh air and stretched my arms a little. Inhale, exhale, Inhale....ah, just what I needed. I then walked over to my phone groggily and checked the time on my phone. Did I set the alarm wrongly? After all, it seemed as if I had fallen asleep for a mere five minutes. Perhaps sleeping at one in the morning was a bad idea. Or was it two? But at least it was worth it. I wouldn't have minded another two hours with him, if only I wasn't so tired out from the day's activities last night. He was so sweet, and I finally was able to feel like myself again, after so long. This was the most fun I have had since...well, I don't think I remember.
I did go out with the production crew or with my small circle of close friends, and that was good company, but this was, well, different. With friends, I went out for coffee, good food and talked and shopped but this was...this was fun. It was different. The feeling of being with him, just playing with him, walking in the park with him, exploring different places with him, just being with him. It was different. And a good different. A great one, indeed. He was also very different from the guys I have known, as he could always find a way to make me laugh. We clicked, and though our interests were not that similar, we still had this special connection. Sighing, I snapped out of my thoughts and reached out to the bedside table and grabbed my phone, nearly knocking over the table lamp, wincing as the bright light shines straight onto my face. I looked at the time....5am?! Already?? What a ungodly hour to wake up at, but I had no choice. We were leaving at 6 and that meant that I had better hurry if I wanted breakfast. The feelings of grogginess before had disappeared and only now was I feeling more awake, ready to tackle whatever challenges the new day would bring me.

As I made my way to the toilet, my phone rang. No, not the alarm this time, but a notification. I walked over to the dressing table and the first thing that popped up on my screen was this:

"喂喂喂!起床了起床了!昨天在车上睡了那么久,难道还想睡多一点吗?太懒惰了吧!Either that or you must be the Sleeping Beauty! 我的睡美人啊,醒了吗?"

I started to grin, since it didn't take me long to realize that it was Elvin, considering that he would probably be the only one who would dare to send me this, or the only one who'd care enough to send a good morning message. Did I really sleep that long in the taxi last night? I hope he didnt take any unglamorous pictures of me. I still remembered that time he caught me drooling on tape but luckily, I managed to delete that when he had to film a scene without it. The only weird thing was that his pass code was actually 2901. I don't know if it was set on purpose, as that date happens to be my birthday or maybe it was just a coincidence with some other things. I just typed that in out of habit since it was my passcode and was extremely surprised that I managed to got in. Just as that thought flashed through my mind, another sound caught my attention. I was about to check my phone again before I realised it was the doorbell. Silly little me. Who could it be? Well, who else? Smiling, I made my way to the door ready to meet him. He was probably the only guy I would not mind to see without makeup on, we are that comfortable to the extent with each other that I did not mind him seeing the best or worst of me, he knew how I was like, and knew who I really was, makeup or not. Though he would ways tease me saying I look like a used mop with my messy hair all ruffled up. And at that moment I unlocked the door, before I could even mutter a word, Elvin spoke in a flurry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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