Open! The Heart of Prisms

Start from the beginning


Itose headed outside her house and shut it firmly. She was excited. Not only was it a family trip which they hadn't had for a long time but she could invite her friends too. Her dad had rented a mini van and they were all going to head to the country for a weekend stay after school. She needed the vacation. Though first and foremost, she had to deal with the thing she hated the most. School.

Making her way down the pave way, she encountered more students heading to school. In the distance she could see the three girls waiting for her.

"Morning Itose" Ryoka nodded at her

"Morning! You guys ready for this afternoon?"

"Yes! I haven't been on an enjoyable vacation in a really long time" Kanae squealed

"How did you manage to persuade your parents?" Aone wondered

"Well, they're not home right now so... they don't exactly know" she said in embarrassment

"We don't condone such manner!" Itose teased

"My butler let me though" Kanae pouted

"Understand the sarcasm Kanae" Itose laughed putting her in a headlock

"Ouch! Yes ma'am... I mean Itose"

"Ma'am?! Do I look that old to you!?"

Kanae stuck her out "Understand the sarcasm Itose"

"Ouch" Itose laughed

Aone smiled "let's get going"

Since it were Friday, many students just couldn't wait to get out for the weekend. Ryoka was grateful that their class weren't on cleaning duty that day. She felt so giddy. She felt nervous to head back to smaller buildings and a ton of random insects. Being in the city, she felt swallowed up but thanks to Itose's offer, she was excited to feel a sense of freedom. Teachers came in and out. The clock felt like it was going much slower than they remembered it.

Aone was the only one to still be paying attention. For her, time went by fast. She didn't notice that the school bell ringing marking the end of their day. Students all around her sat up quickly packing up their things. Taking her time, she picked up her stuff and gently placed them into her bag. She felt a shadow loom over her. Quickly turning around she sighed. It was only Reo.

"Good afternoon Aone"

"Afternoon" she said putting her bag behind her back

"My mom had packed me a lot of sushi for today's lunch but I didn't eat much of it. Thought you might want it" he handed her a neatly wrapped bento box.

Raising an eyebrow she carefully took it "It doesn't look like you even touched it"

"I... had two? Anyway, I can't walk you home today. I have after school practice"


"Have fun on the weekend!" He said dashing out of her classroom.

Aone looked around and made eye contact with Kanae who giggled. All the girls in her classroom looked in awe and jealousy.

"Quite popular you are" Kanae teased

"Now that you know what teasing is, you don't stop do you?"

"Gonna bring it to the trip?"

"What else am I supposed to do with it?"

"You two hurry up!" Itose yelled from the other side of the hallway which caused Ryoka to facepalm in embarrassment.

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