Long kisses, endless cuddles, suffocating hugs, and laughter are their daily routine. Their stomach full with loving gazes and endearing conversation.

Her friends at the uni recognized her difference, from the glamorous Jennie to the humble and more casual Jennie. Some of them even asking where she get her new bags, and the unbranded shoes, because before it always have a high end logos on it. They liked her better now.

She even went to her classes with her hair on ponytail when she has no time to take a long bath, happenned mostly when she spent nights at her boyfriend's place. since—mayhaps—Hanbin intrude her bathing time and invade her with kisses and other possible sexy things.

"Ouch!" Hanbin yelps when Jennie bite his naked shoulders.

"Is it a habit to cook only in pajama pants...?" she leaned on Hanbin and circled her arms along his waist.

Jennie just came from the uni when she found Hanbin cooking dinner for them.

"Is that how you greet your boyfriend?" he turned around.

"You smell like kimchee fried rice..." she snugs into his neck.

"I hope that's a compliment."

"I love kimchee fried rice." She look up and reach his lips.

Hanbin kiss her back, "help me with the table, will you?"

"Nu-uh..." she shook her head, "I just want to stay like this... forever." She suffocate Hanbin with her extra tight hug.

"Let me go, Kim Jennieee... can't breathe..."

"No... never!"

"Reaalllyyy...?" Hanbin smiled.

"Never." She look up and glaring at Hanbin with her cute lips pouting.

Hanbin paused before asking her in a serious tone, "Promise?"

She nodded, "I'll hold into you until you sick of me!"

"What if I never get sick of you?"

"Oh, baby, then we should be together forever."

"Hmm..." Hanbin rubbed his chin, "not bad..."


"Yes, baby?"

"What's that smell?"

"OH fuck!! My fried rice!!"
Jennie sighed, releasing her boyfriend from her arm cage, "seems like I'm gonna have to call a delivery..."


Jiwon and Jennie lean their backs at the sofa in Jiwon's apartment, both are staring at the ceiling, cans of beer on their hands. In unison they turned and looking at each other.

"What?" Jiwon said.

"Whaat..?" Jennie chuckles and both are giggling, a happy giggles that turns into laughter.

"Idiot..." Jiwon murmured.

"You are..." Jennie replied.

He sighs, trace of smile still on his lips.

"I always thought that my heart belongs to nobody, Jiwonnie..." she said, "but this morning, when I woke up and I saw Hanbin sleeping beside me, his face is so peaceful, the kind of peace I need in my life... and that moment, I think I saw the one."

Jennie thought Jiwon is ready to burst his mocks on her, in fact, Jiwon straighten up his body and facing Jennie.

"You know what, Jen... when I'm with Lisa, even the demons in me dress up and behave well..." Jiwon sighs, "that's how much I want her in my life."

End Game Where stories live. Discover now