High school

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"Hey mind telling me where Ashton is?" I said innocently.

"I do mind honey, Ashton doesn't go for girls" she trailed off sizing me up with a disgusted look. She smirked and continued "such as yourself. What do you call yourself, emo? He prefers girls like me, simple yet pretty." She smirked as if proud of that. How I would love to bitch slap her with a chair, or maybe a bat.

"Well damn, how does it feel to have the whole universe revolve around you?" I said this took her by surprise.

"Listen bitch you don't know who you're dealing with, I will make these years miserable for you if -"

I cut her off "Ooh look I'm shaking in my boots." I smirked then added, "You think I care who you are?" I looked her up and down. "Wow, and as for a threat, I could ruin you in 10 minutes." I dropped my voice to a whisper, "make all your biggest fears come true. So I suggest you stop being a bitch and answer me." I finished, making my eyes pitch black, making it seem like I had no pupils.

She and her little "clique" backed away against the lockers, and one of them pointed to a guy down the hall. I smirked and walked away. Pfft, as if a pair of girls dressed in cheerleading uniforms would scare me.

I walked up to the guy, maybe just maybe he could help me and give me an answer, instead of some bullshit one. I doubt it, though. Given how males are nowadays, mortal and immortal. I took a deep breath making my eyes return to their natural color of silver/purple.

"Hey, where's Ashton." It wasn't a question

"Whoa, are you one of his girls?" he looked me up and down and whistled. "I didn't know you were his type then again -" I cut him off, by putting my hand to his throat and pushing him against the wall.

"Either you tell me, or I will do to you the worst things you can imagine, you will beg me to kill you." I snarled.

"Whoa, hold up, no need to do that. He's four floors up in room D22" He said looking a little panicked, and who wouldn't be. I had that effect on people.

I smiled and let him go, threatening him that if he told anyone I would complete my threat. I walked towards the flight of stairs, dodging people with ease. Occasionally glaring at the fool that stepped in front of me. The smell of the high school hallways was a mixture of cheap perfume and cologne, the occasional wif of body odor, and lust. Lots of it. Once I came to the door of the stairwell, it only took me half a floor up to find a couple "making out." Though it looked more like they were trying to eat each other. I hurried by just as the guy was slipping his hand up her inner thigh.

Thinking to myself three things: one, nothing would ever wipe that imagine from my mind. Two, getting to Ashton wouldn't be that hard, so I had to make it fun.Three, why the hell are there so many stairs.

I tried to think of how, Ashton - a mortal, as far as I knew - could get so many other people to do his deeds. How he got away with them so easily. How had he managed to stay in one spot for so long without drawing that much attention to himself? I could question him before I killed him in order to learn something that could help me have a somewhat normal life.

Ha, as if.

Four flights of stairs later, I walked down the hall and found the room. I opened it to find two guys leaning against desks in a gloomy room with dust floating around in clumps. It was as if dust bunnies learned to fly. They glared at me as if I had just interrupted an important and life-threatening ritual or sacrifice. They looked pretty much identical. Lip and eyebrow piercings, and a bunch of tattoos snaking up their arms. The tattoos disappearing underneath the shirt sleeves. It's not like I'm one to judge, I looked similar to them.

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