based on the poem by T. S. ELIOT

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THE WASTE LAND CYCLE of song lyrics by Joel Sattler, 
based on the poem by T. S. ELIOT 


APRIL IS THE CRUELEST MONTH, part I of The Waste Land cycle 


is the cruelest month 

lilacs from the dead land 

mixing memory 
with desire 

dull roots with spring rain 

winter kept us warm 
kept us safe from harm 
covered earth with snow 
buried us below 

somehow we forget 
our little lives and yet 
summer is surprise 
blinding in our eyes 

is the cruelest month 

stopping in the rain 
hiding from the shower 
drinking coffee pain 
talking hour hour 

of when I a child 
something more than wild 
riding in the sled 
and my cousin said 

Marie hold on tight 
and then down we went 
in the mountains free 
blind by what you see 

is the cruelest month 

what the roots we clutch 
what the faces touch 
all that we can know 
where the weeds may grow 

out of ruins broke 
where there is no hope 
the trees are without leaf 
crickets no relief 

under the dry stone 
no sound of water lone 
no ticking of the clock 
no shadow under this red rock 

is the cruelest month 

I will make it clear 
make it clear I must 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 

speak and my eyes fail 
and I could not speak 
neither live nor dead 
and the land was bleak 

and looking in the heart 
of the heart of light 
silence was a word 
a word that made the night 

is the cruelest month 


A HANDFUL OF DUST, part II of The Waste Land Cycle 


your shadow in the morning 
striding there behind you 
your shadow in the evening 
rising up to meet you 

your shadow disappearing 
fading in the dusk 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 

a handful of dust 
a handful of dust 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 

your arms were full 
and your hair was wet 
I could not speak 
hadn't been born yet 

I knew nothing 
neither living or dead 
"call me the hyacinth girl" 
that's what you said 

a handful of dust 
a handful of dust 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 

looking into the heart 
the heart of the light 
I couldn't tell 
if I were the day or the night 

the silence it spoke 
it spoke unto not 
no sound of water 
under this red rock 

a handful of dust 
a handful of dust 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 

a heap of broken images 
a pyramid of stone 
a man walking endlessly 
endlessly alone 

what branches grow 
what roots clutch 
into the earth 
for a handful of dust 

what winds blow 
blow they must 
reach to the sky 
for a handful of dust 

a handful of dust 
a handful of dust 
I will show you fear 
in a handful of dust 


THE FORTUNETELLER, part III of The Waste Land cycle 


Madame Sosostris 
famous clairvoyist 
wisest woman in Europe 
had a bad bad cold 

but still nevertheless 
with her cards she guessed 
fortunes with the best 
with the Tarot told 

it was a wicked pack of cards 
with wicked images 
the devil and the deep blue sea 
and of the future says 

here you are the drown dead sailor 
those are pearls that were his eyes 
here you see the Belladonna 
lady of the shipwreck lies 

lady of the situations 
here we find the three of clubs 
here the wheel, the one eye merchant 
must beware of what he does 

and here the card which must be blank 
which I am forbidden to see 
pay the fee no need to thank me 
put your money in the tea 

let me say before you go 
I do not find the Hang ged Man 
crowds of people in a ring, though 
save yourself while you still can 

if you see Ms. Equitone 
say I bring the horoscope 
one must be so careful these days 
still you must hold on to hope 


UNREAL CITY, part IV of The Waste Land cycle 


unreal city 
unreal city 
under the fog of a winter dawn 
unreal city 
unreal city 
first it was here but now it is gone 

a crowd flowed over the London Bridge 
I had not thought death had undone 
so many eyes fixed on so many feet 
am I the only the loneliest one 

the flow of the mass up the hill of the town 
over King William Street silent and down 
to where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept hours 
where far away stood the city and tower 

with a dead sound final stroke of the nine 
I saw a man who was friend of mine 
said "Stetson! With me at the ships at Mylae! 
what did you do? what did you say? 

"You planted a corpse last year in the garden, 
now has it sprouted? This year will it bloom? 
Or has the frost disturbed it in bed? 
Keep the Dog from it, or it is doomed. 

"Or with his claws he will dig up again, 
even though to all men he is friend, 
But I am your mirror, I and no other, 
hypocrite reader, my dopplegang brother!" 

unreal city 
unreal city 
under the fog of a winter dawn 
unreal city 
unreal city 
first you were here but now you are gone 


A GAME OF CHESS, part V of The Waste Land cycle 


she sat there in her burnished chair 
in the stink perfume of her fire hair 
and told the tale of Philomel 
who turned into a nightingale 

she turned into a nightingale 
nightingale she had no choice 
filling all the virgin desert 
with a never broken voice 

but now she sat in marble room 
full of cupids made of gold 
full of riches full of glitter 
lonely stupid sated cold 

and still she cried, the world pursued 
and hooted "jug jug" to dirty ears 
footsteps shuffled on the stairs 
her nerves were bad and full of fear 

and we shall play a game of chess 
why we should I can not guess 
but the poet told me yes 
so we shall play a game of chess 

she stay with me a while 
speak to me you never smile 
what you thinking what you mean 
I never know until you scream 

I think we're in rat's alley now 
don't ask me why I don't know how 
what's that noise, wind under door 
why'd you have to do that for 

what does the wind do nothing do 
nothing again no nothing new 
nothing seen nothing known 
do you remember nothing no 

I remember once was wise 
those are pearls that were his eyes 
are you alive or not or dead 
is ther nothing in your head? 

oh let's do the Shakespeare rag 
elegant intelligent 
shall I rush out as I am 
tell me what to do again 

we shall play a game of chess 
why we should I can not guess 
but the poet told me yes 
so we shall play a game of chess 

if it rains if it pours 
step into closed car at four 
pressing lidless eyes and waiting 
for a knock upon the door 

then we shall play a game of chess 
why we should I can not guess 
but the poet told me yes 
so we shall play a game of chess 


HURRY UP PLEASE IT'S TIME, part VI of The Waste Land cycle 


when Lil's husband got demobilized 
I said to her damn your eyes 
I didn't mince my words I said 
or else your pieces forfeited 

hurry up please it's time 
hurry up please it's time 
to be out of bed is such a crime 
hurry up please it's time 

now Albert's coming back be smart 
take the offer take your heart 
he'll want to know about the cash 
to fix your teeth you made a hash 

of what was left of your damn life 
he's the husband, you're the wife 
you have to have them out I bet 
pull them all get a new set 

he said can't bear to look at you 
I swear I need you but it's true 
and I can't bear to see it too 
think of Albert go and do 

four years in the Army I'm 
four years in the war until 
all he wants is a good time 
if you won't some one else will 

oh is there she said the bat 
yes there is something wrong of that 
she just smirked the stupid skank 
and said then I'll know who to thank 

hurry up please it's time 
hurry up please it's time 
to be out of bed is such a crime 
hurry up please it's time 

if you don't like get on with it 
others pick and choose you git 
if Albert makes off lack of telling 
someone else will do the selling 

you ought to be ashamed I said 
to look so old to look so dead 
and she was only 31 
I can't help it she was glum 

I took them pills to bring it off 
it nearly killed me made me soft 
the chemist said would be all right 
aint never been since that bad night 

I said you are a proper fool 
you know the game of chess the rule 
you know the awful thing you did 
why'd you get married if not kids? 

hurry up please it's time 
hurry up please it's time 
to be out of bed is such a crime 
hurry up please it's time 

well that Sunday Al came home 
he didn't want to be alone 
they did it till at last could not 
took me to dinner it was hot 

hurry up please it's time 
hurry up please it's time 
to be out of bed is such a crime 
hurry up please it's time 

goodnight Bill goodnight Lou 
good night Mary goodnight you 
ta ta good night good night good night 
go home now and do it right 

good night ladies 
good night ladies 
good night ladies 
we hate to see you go..... 


SWEET THAMES, part VII of The Waste Land cycle 


sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
run softly until I have finished my song 
sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
for I speak not too loud and I won't be too long 

the leaves made a canopy on the surface of the waters 
but now they have sunken into the banks of mud 
the wind has crossed the land so brown and unheard 
the nymphs have have departed the Naiads have scud 

sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
run softly until I have finished my song 
sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
for I speak not too loud and I won't be too long 

the litter that polluted the waters so dark 
has been swept away for a time 
the bottles and paper and cigarette butts 
all testimony of the dank summer nights 

the heirs of the city who squandered their health 
have taken away what was left of their wealth 
leaving nothing behind but the maidens despoiled 
and a city that knows of no pleasure but toil 

by the waters of Leman I sat down and wept 
at my back a cold blast of air like a stone 
a chuckle spread ear to ear to ear 
the air was at war and rattled my bones 

a rat creeping softly through reeds and the muck 
as I was marooned in the present day dusk 
I was thinking of king my brother unfound 
while bodies lay naked upon the low ground 

and picked over bones in the garret upstairs 
rattled by rat's feet or year after year 
the sound of the traffic the motors and horns 
are all that I from time to time to time that I hear 

Sweeney will come to Ms. Porter in spring 
they wash their feet in soda water 
o the moon shone bright on Ms. Porter 
shone bright on Ms. Porter and daughter 

the knight of the grail sings O ces voix d'enfants 
chantant and chantant in the holy dome 
jug jug jug sings the nightingale so rudely forced 
tereu tereu there's no way back home 

sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
run softly and now I have finished my song 
sweet Thames run softly run softly sweet Thames 
I spoke not too loud and I wasn't too long 


REPRISE OF THE UNREAL CITY, part VIII of The Waste Land cycle 


unreal city 
unreal city 
under the fog of a winter dawn 
unreal city 
unreal city 
first it was here but now it is gone 

under the fog of a brown winter noon 
Mr. Eugenides sat in his room 
with a pocket of currants, unloved and unshaved 
C.i.f. London, one foot in the grave 

he handed me documents asked me to lunch 
in a demotic French he could barely control 
and took me up to the Cannon Hotel 
and then to a weekend at the Metropole 

unreal city 
unreal city 
under the fog of a winter dawn 
unreal city 
unreal city 
first he was here but now he is gone 


I TIRESIAS I, part IX of The Waste Land cycle 


when the eyes and back 
at the violet hour 
turn up from the desk 
when human engine waits 

like a taxi throbbing 
I Tiresias I 
blind between two lives 
old man full of hate 

with wrinkled female breasts 
can see the evening hour a thing 
that strives with every power to bring 
the sailor home from the sea 

I Tiresias I 
was a woman once 

the typist home for tea 
clears the breakfast lights 
the stove and lays 
out tins for food that night 

the sun dries out the wash 
her stocking piled on couch 
that midnight is her bed 
the window she looks out 

I Tiresias I 
I foretold the rest 

the half expected guest 
a small house agent clerk 
has come in silky hat 
to get a piece of work 

the time is right he guessed 
the meal is done and gone 
she bored and tired one 
the undesired caress 

he takes her in assault 
encounters no defense 
but he needs no response 
welcomes indifference 

and I Tiresias I 
have foresuffered all 
enacted on this bed 
sat Thebes upon the wall 
and walked among the lowest 
lowest of the dead 

he patronizes kiss 
and gropes his way outside 
she turns and sees the glass 
and over is the ride 

her brain allows to pass 
this one half formed last thought 
"well now that's done so fast 
I'm glad it's over ought" 

when woman is a fool 
and stops to folly lone 
she smoothes her hair a tool 
and plays the gramophone 

and I Tiresias old 
twas all as I foretold 


WEIALALA LEIA, part X of The Waste Land cycle 


the music crept by me on the waters 
up Queen Victoria along the Strand 
beside a public bar in Lower Thames 
I hear the whining mandolin 
the clatter of the cups within 

the chatter of the fishermen 
where walls of Magnus Martyr hold 
the splendour inexplicable 
of Ionian white and gold 

the river sweats of oil and tar 
the barges drift with turning tide 
to leeward, swung on heavy spar 
red sails wide oh wide so wide 

the barges wash the drifting logs 
down Greenwich past the Isle of Dogs 

Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 
Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 

Elizabeth and Leicester beating oars 
the stern was formed a gilded shell it seems 
the swell was brisk rippling the shores 
the southwest wind carried them downstream 

the peal of bells 
the white towers, well 

Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 
Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 

trams and dusty trees 
Highbury bore me 
Richmond and Kew 
they did undid me, true 

by Richmond 
I raised my knees 
supine on on the floor 
of a narrow canoe.... 

my feet are at Margate 
my heart under my feet 
and afterwards he weeps 
promising a new start 

but I could say nothing 
didn't know what it meant 
I made no comment 
what should I resent? 

on Margate Sands I can connect 
nothing with nothing how could I forget 
the broken nails of dirty hands 
my people humble people who expect 


to Carthage then I came 
burning burning burning burning 
oh Lord Thou pluckest me out 
oh Lord Thou pluckest burning 

Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 
Weialala leia 
wallala leialala 


DEATH BY WATER, part XI of The Waste Land cycle 

death by water 
death by water 
Phlebas the Phoenician 
found the death he sought 

dead for this a fortnight 
the cry of gulls forgot 
in the deep sea swell 
the profit and the loss 

a current under sea 
in whispers picked his bones 
as he rose and fell 
in watery grave alone 

and as he was corrupted 
through youth and all his ages 
the whirlpool then he entered 
through time and all its stages 

be Gentile or be Jew 
oh you who turn the wheel 
and look to windward think of 
the man who can not feel 

and you who once was handsome 
till ocean conquered too 
consider Phlebus done 
who once was tall as you 

death by water 
death by water 
Phlebas the Phoenician 
found the death he sought 


WHAT THE THUNDER SAID, part XII of The Waste Land cycle 


with little patience 
with a little death 
we'll all understand 
what the thunder said 

what the thunder said 

after torchlight red 
on the face of sweat 
silence the gardens 
frosty cold and wet 

after agony 
in the stony place 
the shouting and cries 
of the human race 

prison and the palace 
reverberates and sings 
over distant mountains 
thunder of the spring 

with little patience 
with a little death 
we'll all understand 
what the thunder said 

what the thunder said 

he who was living now is dead 
we who were living are now dying 
all that we are or were's been said 
we can't be blamed for lack of trying 

but with little patience 
with a little death 
we'll all understand 
what the thunder said 

what the thunder said 


DEAD MOUNTAIN MOUTH, part XIII of The Waste Land cycle 


here there is no water 
but only rock 
rock and no water 
and the sandy road 

the road winding 
high among the mountains 
to places where 
we know we have to go 

if there were water 
we should stop and drink 
but amongst the rock 
we can not stop or think 

sweat is dry 
and feet are in the sand 
the body is willing 
but the soul beyond command 

if there were only water 
amongst the rock 
dead mountain mouth 
of carious teeth 

teeth that can not spit 
but only shout 
here one can not lie 
or neither stand nor sit 

there's not even silence 
in the mountains over plain 
but dry sterile thunder 
without the rain 

there's not even solitude 
but red sullen faces sneer 
and snarling from the doors 
of mudcracked houses here 

if there were water 
and no rock 
if there were rock 
and also water 

and water and water 
and a spring 
a pool among the rock 
or anything 

if there were just 
the sound of water only 
not the cicada 
and the dry grass singing 

but the sound of water 
over a rock 
where hermit thrushes sing 
in the pine trees 

drip drop drip drop 
drop drop drop 
if there were only water 
then we could stop 

but there is no water 
but there is no water 
but there is no water 
no water 


THE THIRD, part XIV of The Waste Land cycle 


who is the third 
who is the third who walks beside you 
who is the third 
on the other side of you 

when I try to count 
there is only you and I 
but when I look ahead 
another walks beside 

wrapped in a brown robe 
hood without a face 
man or woman I don't know 
leaving not a trace 

who is the third 
who is the third who walks beside you 
who is the third 
on the other side of you 

what is that sound on high 
the mother's lamentations 
high up in the sky 
sweeping over nations 

who are the hooded hoards 
swarming over plains 
stumbling in the cracks 
of the earth in pain 

ringed by flat horizon 
cities over mountains 
reforming bursting in violet air 
falling towers counting 

Athens and Jerusalem 
ancient Alexandria 
Vienna, London and London 
falling towers falling walls 
unreal cities all 

who is the third 
who is the third who walks beside you 
who is the third 
on the other side of you 


THE GRASS IS SINGING, part XV of The Waste Land cycle 


a woman drew out her long black hair tight 
and fiddled whispered music on those long black strings 
and hats with baby faces in the violet light 
whistled in the dark, and beat their bat-like wings 

and crawled head downward down a blackened wall 
and upside down were towers, towers in the air 
and reminiscent bells tolled hours down the hall 
and voices singing out of the exhausted wells 

but still the grass is singing 
over tumbled graves 
still the grass is singing 
and something can be saved 

in this decaying hole among the mountain swell 
in the faintest moonlight, the grass is singing 
about the empty chapel, a windowless shell 
the wind has come home at last, the door is swinging 

dry bones can harm no one the bells the bells they echo 
a cock stood on the rooftree explaining once again 
co co rico rico co co rico rico 
and in a flash of lightning a damp gust bringing rain 

and still the grass is singing 
over tumbled graves 
still the grass is singing 
so something can be saved 


SHANTIH SHANTIH SHANTIH, part XVI of The Waste Land cycle 


the Ganga was sunken 
and the limp leaves 
waited for rain 
waited for rain 

while the black clouds 
gathered far distant 
over the snow 
Himavant below 

the jungle crouched silent 
then spoke the thunder 
then spoke the thunder again 
da da da da 

Datta: what have we wondered 
what have we given 
my friend, my blood shaking my heart 
what do we live in 

the awful daring of a moment's surrender 
an age of prudence we can never retract 
by this and this only we have existed 
the one thing our obits can never subtract 

or in the memories draped by good spider 
or under seals broken by lean salesman 
in our empty rooms where the thunder has spoken 
and all of our prophecies ended in failure 
da da da da 

Dayadhvam: I have heard the key 
turn in the door and turning once only 
we think of the key, each in his prison 
only at nightfall broken and lonely 

da da da 

Damyata: the boat has responded 
to the hand expert go sail and with oar 
the sea was so sure your heart would have calmed it 
beating obedient to hands and to more 

I sat on the shore 
with the plain behind me 
fishing at least 
set my lands in order 

London Bridge is falling down 
falling down 
falling down 

then he hid in the refining fire 
and asked when 
shall I be as the swallow 
o swallow o swallow 

The Aquitaine prince in the ruined watchtower 
these fragments I built up to support my lost power 
and now why I'll fit you once more breach my friend 
Geronimo mad is mad once again 

Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata 
and me 
Shantih shantih shantih 
you're free..... 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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THE WASTE LAND CYCLE of song lyrics by Joel SattlerWhere stories live. Discover now