Crash landing (part 1)

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A/n: sudden idea for the HTTYD au??? So here take this. Bigger a/n at the bottom


Living alone in a world full of dragons can be fun, kind of scary when whispering deaths decide to make a nest on your island, but still fun. You weren't much of a blacksmith or leather worker, so you'd never actually been able to make the gear to fly a dragon, but you did love them. Any dragon that was hurt and landed on your island, you helped. You seemed to be the only one who would.

Well, you and L. L was a mysterious fighter who flys none other than a night fury. The dragons hunters, known as Kira, are his sworn enemies. He frees and helps all the trapped and hunted dragons.

You and him were not that different in a way. It's just he could fly, you couldn't.

The stars glimmered above your head, the night sky lit up by the bright moon and constellations. You walked the shorelines, doing our nightly scout for downed dragons. It seemed to be a silent night, nor many dragons out most sleeping in trees or caves. All but the night terrors. Those nocturnal flying puppies were following you around as usual. Just lingering around the human they learnt to trust for safety.

"Doesn't seem to be anything around tonight..." you mumbled to yourself.

Just as you were about to head back home, your previous statement was shot down by the sound of a dragon wailing in the distance. You snapped your head toward the noise and looked around. You heard it again, it wasn't a dragon call you recognised.

You began to follow it, as it seemed to be in some kind of pain. As the noise got closer and closer you saw a black figure among the trees. A dragon, as you'd suspected. You slowly approached the trees, making sure not to startle the dragon and cause it to fire at you.

"No way..."

You suddenly recognised the shape of the dragon, the black scales and shape of the tail fin made it clear what type it was.

"...a night fury?"

You looked up, seeing lots of broken and fallen trees, evidence of a rather nasty crash. Slowly approaching the dragon it spotted you and began to growl a little.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you" you said gently, holding out your hand to him.

The dragon sniffed your hand, deciding to trust you and gently booped it. You ran your fingers across its scales, you'd never seen a night fury up close before. Never even seen one on the flesh. Scanning the dragon down for any injuries you spotted a gash on one of its legs, obviously from the crash. Above it was a slight tear in the wing, what must have caused the crash.

"Oh no... you poor thing" you sighed, grabbing some water and a cloth from your bag.

At least you could clean the wounds and wrap them up. Hopefully he was strong enough to walk for a little bit to get back to your house where you could take care of it further. Being gentle and trying to stop the bleeding you noticed something, leather. Following it you realised it was a stirrup attached to a saddle. This dragon had a rider.

"You have a rider?" You questioned.

The dragon seemed to understand the world rider and have a sad purring sound.

"Don't worry we'll find your rider, they can't be far"

Somehow having enough spare bandage to wrap around the dragons leg, you tied it off and stood up.

"I'll have to stitch up the wing at home..." you mumbled to yourself.

When you stood up the dragon did too, weakly but it managed. He kept his wing off the ground and folded in, as spreading it seemed to hurt the tear. You would usually tell the dragon to stay off the wound, but you needed to get him home and find his rider. It seemed to know that as well, as he nudged you and began to walk into the woods, trying to sniff out his rider. You followed, weaving through trees until you saw a few broken beaches and the dragon made another sad growling noise as he limped up to what looked like a pile of armour on the ground.

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