"I would hope not....she deserves so much better, I don't think she realises that" Allie looked genuinely sad saying this to him. He could see in her eyes how much she cared for Helena and for that he knew Helena had a wonderful friend in Allie. He wondered what that felt like...

"Here we are" Helena walked back into the living room with a kind smile whilst handing him a glass of white wine.

"I have something for you" Johnny smirked watching as she sat down beside Allie with a questioning look on her face.

Reaching into his coat pocket he retrieved a bunch of brown envelopes. "For you"

"What this?" She laughed frowning at them as he placed the bunch of envelopes on the table.

"After I finished the show tonight I met with some fans of yours, they gave me theses to give to you" Johnny explained which had her shaking her head with a smirk.

"Johnny...." she groaned rolling her eyes. She never really read fan mail, not because she was ungrateful or didn't care but because it embarrassed her in some ways reading about how much they all love her. She thought it rather vain to sit there reading about herself and how AMAZING she was when these people actually didn't know her personally.

"Just listen, you need cheering up" he said picking one envelope up and opening to retrieve the fan mail inside.

Dear Helena,

I am you're biggest fan. You inspire me and so many others with your kindness and quirkiness on and off screen. You truly are such an incredible actress and I would love one day to break into the industry myself. I hope you realise just how special you are and how loved you are by so many of us. We support you and hope the future is kinder as you deserve all the happiness in the world.


Helena sat smiling yet a little embarrassed all the same. As much as she loved her fans she could never really bring herself to read the letters they wrote as she didn't have the same confidence in herself that they all saw. She wasn't so special as they made out or at least that's what she thought anyway.

"That's sweet" Allie smiled after Johnny had read out the letter.

"It is but they only see me on the screen I'm not so perfect in real life..." she admitted sadly.

Both Johnny and Allie shared a look. He didn't even know Allie yet he felt he knew her for years, the fact they both knew Helena so well made them close even if they had only just met.

"You need to allow people to love you Helena, I can't believe how much this drama with David has knocked your confidence" Johnny said softly hating the effect her breakup has had on her. She wasn't the same person anymore and it killed him.

Picking up another envelope Allie smirked at Johnny and opened it up to read.

Helena Bonham carter has taught me its okay to stand out and be yourself, it's okay to miss match your outfits, it's okay to believe in yourself and it's okay to be different.....

Helena sat and listened as Allie read out her fan mail and could only smile sweetly between her and Johnny for being there for her. They really were her best friends and she really did care about them both so much.

"They must have got all this from you somehow...." Allie said placing down the letter she was reading and finishing the remains of her drink.

"Thank you" Helena said sweetly to her.

"I better go, I'll leave you Johnny to convince her she's important to us all" she giggled standing to her feet and hugging Helena in the process.

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