Dance the night away (part 1?)

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A/n: had another idea for the dance AU I made. So here take this, it'll probably flop but hey it's just an idea.

Au: dance studio. L and Light competing for mister international soloist.

Hc: L's so light that the girls have to lift him in dances.

The studio was open until quite late, as adult classes took place at night. But the internationals team had access to the studio at night too to practice.

Light Yagami, the tap dancer on the internationals team originally from japan watched through the glass of the ballet studio. L, the only male ballerina in the class was preparing his solo for internationals. Light had a solo too, he wanted to know how to outshine L, so he'd often watch L dance to try and figure out how to be better.

L didn't mess around, his technique was extraordinary. His footwork en pointe was outstanding. He was flexible, he could move very elegantly. His extensive knowledge of classical music helped his case, knowing all the good tracks to dance too. His girlfriend (y/n), the best female ballerina in the studio watched him dance as she stretched at the bar.

Light has missed the practice of your duet. You'd already both moved onto solo practice. He watched, buckling up his tap shoes, before he had to go into his studio to practice.

How was he going to beat L?

"Watching the competition again huh?"

He was snapped back into reality by Misa, the contemporary dancer in the team.

"If I don't know what I'm up against, how will I win?" He said.

"Practicing really hard, performing your best" Misa replied.

"I won't know what to perform if I don't know my competition... I must say, L's skill en pointe is pretty advanced"

Misa looked over at the ravenette in the ballet studio, pirouetting and kicking his leg higher than she could.

"Well, he is good at what he does. He and (y/n) have mastered their craft. Come on we have to practice our duet"

With one last look into the window, Light grabbed his bag and turned for ten studio with Misa. In your studio where you had your leg up on the bar, stretching your joints out you watched them leave.

"He's watching you closely you know" you said.

"I know" L replied, pulling his leg up behind him and over his head.

"Damn ok, no need to flex on me mister flexible"

He stood back down on his feet, looking at the bottoms of his shoes.

"They're pretty worn through... you take the floor I have to change shoes" he sighed, sitting by his bag and pulling out his spare shoes.

"Again? You need to chill on the pirouettes"

He untied the ribbons form around his ankles, watching you begin to map out your moves.

"I was thinking we take a swan lake approach to the duet costumes. You could wear a tutu designed like feathers for the skirt, I could have a tail coat designed like feathers for the tails" he suggested, pulling off his shoes.

His feet were blistered from the pointe, covered in bandaids and dance socks. Sore feet was just what came with being a ballerina.

"That sounds nice, we could have white shoes with pearls on them" you replied, standing on pointe watching your moves in the mirrors on the wall.

L did have a bit of a guilty pleasure for pretty costumes. He didn't really like restricting clothes, but something about being on stage looking like royalty was so exiting to him.

"What do you think Light and Misa are doing for their solo? Tap and contemporary is an odd mix" you asked.

"Not sure, maybe something more on the jazz side. Since jazz tap and jazz contemporary are both sub-styles?"

"Possibly. I'm interested to see what they'll do for a theme though. I honestly wasn't expecting them to pair up"

"Me neither, they're and odd pair"

L tied up his new shoes, standing up and walking over to you as you stood with your arms out elegantly in front of the mirror. He took one of your hands and spun you around.

"You think Watari will watch us on TV when we compete?" He asked.

"Please, the whole orphanage will be watching us" you replied.

"I'm glad he made me pick a sport when I was 3, I would never have met you otherwise"

You smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You're a suck up. Now let's go through this duet one more time, we've gotta master that lift"

Meanwhile, in the studio across the hall, the tap dancer has somehow managed to get the metal plate on his left shoe loose. Stopping in the middle of practice to try and fix the problem. He dug through his bag for his spare shoes when he heard classical music from across the hall.

"Aw, their duet looks so nice so far" Misa cooed, watching through the window.

Light stood up, looking through the window at the two ballerinas as they danced around each other. He payed close attention, your dance being about love. His was the opposite, while you and L were dancing with a story of two soulmates who were separated but reunite again, his dance with Misa was about two gods of death, wreaking havoc. If his competitors dance was happy, his would be edgy.

"They're so good! Wow we have some serious competition!" Misa exclaimed, watching as you leapt across the floor.

"We definitely have out work cut out for us..." Light admitted.

He wasn't going to get you two win, he wanted that title so badly he could practically taste the victory medal. He was about to turn back to his own dance when he suddenly saw L run at you, jump, being caught in your arms and spun around. The lift running almost perfectly, only a little step backward when you caught L was out of place with it.

"Holy crap! I've never seen the girl be the lifter before!" Misa said.

Light could hardly believe it himself. L was the flyer? Well, he was very petite, tall but thin. He must be pretty light.

So that was your secret weapon huh? The boy is being lifted?

Two can play at that game...

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