Curiosity Killed The Cat

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If curiosity killed the cat, then Tong Nian should have been as dead as a doornail umpteen times over.

The problem was, the young woman never had been able to reign herself in when something caught her fancy. Her mother, in her exasperation, had described her as "a menace to society" during childhood, the reason being that the petite little girl whom she loved to dress in pretty frocks of frothy lace and satin ribbons would inevitably turn up smeared in grime or grease from her escapades. The world was a beautiful, interesting place and the young girl had always been determined to discover more, as much as humanly possible - Nian Nian had never been bored, because she firmly believed that there was always something new to learn. When she ran out of things to do, she simply moved onto the next project to satisfy her inquisitive nature. When her attention was caught, the tiny girl seized onto whatever interested her with an unbreakable grip, until she had learned absolutely everything there was to know about the topic in question - there was no excuse for idleness in her world.

It was this very same tenacity that had earned her her lifelong nickname. Her beloved father had been the one to gift it to her, so Nian Nian was actually quite fond of the moniker Little Squid - the ocean had fascinated her since her tender years, along with countless other things. She had studied mathematics, biology, psychology, flower arranging, astronomy, mythology, English literature, you name it; she was bashfully proud to admit she was a master of them all. She had worked extremely hard and it had paid off; she had numerous qualifications and awards under her belt, the cherry on top of an already impressive resume. However, if Tong Nian had to commit to just one favourite topic, if she was forced to choose at gun point, it would hands down, without doubt always be computer science. For some reason, she just felt like she had an affinity for the electronics; to her, they were not just soulless machines. Computers had been her steadfast companion for years on end and there was a certain beauty to be appreciated when building a computer and utilising them to create programmes and software that could be used to benefit others. In fact, Nian Nian would even go so far to say computers were the love of her life.... because it certainly wasn't like she had many other prospects in the romance department, much to her disgruntlement. There was only one area of her life that needed improvement. Tong Nian was a gifted genius, it was true, but when it came to romance, she had a stark red F on her report card.

Little Squid was a complete and utter novice in regards to the art of love.

The young prodigy groaned deeply, rolling over lethargically onto her stomach on her luxurious pastel bed. Despondency settled over her like a dark weighted curtain, weighing her down as she borrowed her face into her soft duvet. Her frustration was palpable and her weary sighs clearly audible and yet her cousin didn't bat so much as an eyelid at her dramatics. Traitor. He only came over to steal her electronics and snacks anyway; the younger boy had flounced into her room unannounced hours before, forcefully commandeered her computer and promptly neglected to say so much as two words to her. The pair were close, there was barely a year between them in age, therefore, it was a comfortable silence; usually, Nian Nian would have been content to lounge in it for hours on end, but not on this day.

However, her day at university had been particularly gruelling; it was the fourteenth of February, the day lovelorn singles feared above all else. Valentine's Day. Even the name made her quake and for good reason; seemingly, Little Squid was the only poor soul who hadn't managed to ensnare herself a date for the occasion. Even Yaya, her best friend, the girl who was usually an eternal pessimist, had managed to make plans. There had been a time when she and Yaya had stood shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, forever alone and content to be so, but no longer. Yaya was growing up and socialising outside her once small inner circle and Nian Nian was... lonely. She craved a slice of the happiness all her classmates seemed to savour, however... nobody seemed interested in the studious girl who had more books than friends. The painful truth was that Tong Nian was once again the only girl in her class who was spending her Friday night at home. Alone. With her cousin of all people. How utterly shameful!

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