chapter two

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I slip on my shoes and place my lanyard around my neck before exiting the house. I sigh, knowing it might be tough to get a job. He said close to the house so I walk to the shopping center a few blocks from my house.

I'm honestly kind of excited?

I feel like I haven't been outside of my neighborhood in so long. Getting a job means i won't be stuck in the house or around rich snobs all day. I place my earbuds in my ears and hit shuffle on my favorite playlist. My walk to the shopping center was uneventful and quite boring.

I look for places that are advertising for jobs. Barnes & Noble is hiring, so is Starbucks, Urban Outfitters, and Stellar Records.

I scratch the back of my head as I debate the differences. I'm drawn to Stellar Records, mostly because of their neon blue sign. I push the door, making a small bell jingle. I admire the checkerboard floors and countless records and cds. LED lights all around the room make everything in sight red.

I walk the the counter "Hi, are you guys still hiring?" the cashier, a boy with a cute smile nods and points to the left. "All the way in the back, go through the door and my boss should be in his office, the yellow door on the right" my eyes dart down to his name tag as I thank him.

"Thanks, Cooper"

I walk towards the door and observe the staircases on each side that leads up to and upper level. I open the door and poke my head inside before walking in.

Inside the room is two couches and three recliners surrounding a brown coffee table. There's several pictures and vinyls on the walls. Straight across is a green door, and on either side is a white door. On the wall to my right is a yellow door, as promised and a purple door.

I end up easily getting the job. I let out a sigh, using a fake ID still trips me out from time to time. I use the alias Ana Blanc, not sure where it came from but my father built an entire identity so I could live "safely".

But I don't complain.

sugar coated cyanide: cscoop x readerWhere stories live. Discover now