Blaze shook his head and was about to say something when I grabbed ahold of his shirt, pulling him closer to me.

"Please Blaze." I begged, desperately.

He nodded silently.

"But your going to tell her yourself. Because you ARE getting out of here alive."

I smiled sadly. Just then an ambulance and a fire truck pulled up to the scene. I watched as they went over to the truck first. Blaze looked at me.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go get help." He said and hauled ass towards the firemen.

He started talking to one and I felt the flames coming closer to me.

I swallowed hard.

I felt the first flame against my back and bit my lip. After a while, my back was burning. I turned around and saw the flames were practically in the car now.


I looked towards him with wide eyes. Everything started to go blurry after that. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the flames that were about to engulf me. The next thing I knew, there was a loud click, causing me to open my eyes. I was suddenly pulled from my car and laid on the concrete. My legs felt hot, burning and I could no longer feel my back. I heard people yelling and hollering, moving around me in a hurry. There was a loud boom as the earth shook and I took a deep breath. Blaze's face came into view and I tried to decipher what he was saying.

I couldn't hear a thing.

I could see his mouth moving but couldn't hear him.

Suddenly he was pushed out of the way and a fireman came into my view. My eyes slowly started to close and the next thing I knew, I was surrounded by darkness.

Lily's POV-

I woke up when Rick and Finn got back with Chinese food. I sat on the bed as they ate in silence. I just...sat there. After awhile Finn sighed loudly and leaned back in his chair causing Rick and I to look at him. He looked from Rick to me and smiled. A shiver ran down my spine and I moved farther away from him. He stood up and walked towards me, sitting on the edge of the bed I was on. I tensed and watched him carefully.

"Are you sure your not hungry?" He randomly asked.

I stared at him. His question made my blood boil. Instead of answering him, I turned around so my back was facing him.

"I mean if you are we can go out and get you some food."

I clenched my teeth.

"Lily you need to-"

I snapped before he could finish his sentence. I jumped up and spun around, walking towards him.

"I said I'm not hungry!! Shut up!! Do you honestly think I want to eat after I just saw Riley die?? He died all because of you!! Because your a greedy, rapist who does too many drugs!! I hate you!!" I screamed.

My breathing came out in pants as I stared wildly at Finn. Finn and Rick both stared at me in total shock. That's when I turned on Rick.

"And you!! Your no better!! You betrayed your family and killed your own brother!! How does that make you feel? I hope you feel like shit Richard!! I hope you have nightmares about Riley!! I hope you both do!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

They both just stared at me in shock. I felt hot, angry tears falling down my cheeks as I sat back on the bed, my back facing both of them. I heard movement behind me and then a door click closed.

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