Feeling Alone

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*Peyton's POV*

I looked at the screen unable to reply to any emails today, my mind just kept on replying what had happened today. Seeing my best friends having lunch with Lindsey, she was back and neither Brooke or Haley had the nerve to tell her anything. I really wishing that I was back on tour with Mia, I was almost going to book a flight out just to get away but I couldn't, I was already a bit behind. I knew I couldn't be slacking off anymore so I opened the first email when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and seen that it was Brooke that was calling me, I was going to reject the call but I just let it ring. I was in the middle of replying to an email when my phone rang again but this time it was a text message.

Once again it was Brooke saying that she knew that I was in my office that she was outside and if I didnt open it that she would have Lucas open it for it. Not wanting to cause a scene I went and opened it, and there she was standing there but she was not alone Haley was there as well. I walked back into my desk didn't even say anything to them as I kept on replying. I could feel their eyes on me but pretending that I didn't notice them just standing there. "Look we get that you're mad but let us explain." Brooke started to say, this just made me mad making me shut my laptop. "What is there to explain Brooke, why? Everytime we talked why didn't you just tell me that Lindsey was back and that she and Lucas were back together?" I asked them.

Brooke sighed, "we decided that it was better to tell you in person, I swear I was going to tell you everything tonight, I just didn't expect to see you before tonight." she said. I just rolled my eyes I wanted to believe her but I felt betrayed, "It wasn't something we felt comfortable telling you over the phone, oh hey Peyton Lindsey's back and she and Lucas are back together" Haley was pretending that she was on the phone. I knew they were right but still it hurt, she sighed she really didnt want to argue with her friends. I knew that I was going to regret asking but I needed to know, "How?" I asked them, they looked at each other having a silent conversation, they didn't want to answer but nonetheless they sat down across and started to tell me how they found out about them.

"That night that you left, I met Lucas at the River court because he told me that he needed to talk to me, after seeing what you had done I told him that he had to stop running, that he had to make up his mind that he just had to ask himself who he seen a future with" Haley started off, "To be completely honest I thought he was going to call you, he called me the next day that he finally made up his mind and that he would be back in Tree Hill the next day, imagine how confused i was when he invited us over and there next to him was Lindsey and not you." She kept on explaining. 

"And I found out the day after that when she came into the store, I was just as surprised because I also thought that he was going after you but we were both wrong, that same day Haley and I confronted him." Brooke finished saying. I started shaking my head because I didn't need to hear anything else, "please just stop,  I don't want to hear it he obviously loves her and in the end I'm happy for him." I told them I could tell that they didn't really believe me I just faked a small smile. "Really guys, all I wanted for him was to be happy even if it isn't with me, as long as he is happy than I am too." I told them. 

I closed my laptop, "how about we go out tonight you know to get over the initial shock of it, I'll be fine I just really want to forget about this day and I think having some drinks will help" I told them. Brooke just nodded her head "of course, anything you want to do" she said. I turned to Haley she also nodded "let me just go home and make sure the boys will be okay without me for the night and then I'll meet you guys at your place." Haley said, so all three of us got up and walked out of my office. As we walked out of Tric I noticed that Lucas was no longer there thank god. Since Brooke came with Haley and Haley was going to go home, Brooke ended up going home with me.

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