Wrong It's Wrong

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Adeline just stands there soaked in blood, the cut was not deep but it hurts as if the knife was still cutting through her flesh, she would have never guessed this is where she would have ended up on her school trip to the ocean. She was standing over a dead body with Benjamin to her left and another accomplice, she had just met, to her right. Although the other boy, Lucas, strangled the man she was not planning on telling anyone, it was too much of a risk.

"We have to leave," Lucas said

"Why," Adeline asked

"Because we can't get caught if we are not at the crime scene with the body."

"Yes, but we also can't get caught if there is nobody or evidence."

"Then what do you propose we--"

Lucas and Adeline hear a muffled noise and both turn to find Ben sobbing and rambling suddenly he notices them staring, stands up and starts running. Lucas and Adeline chase him but he is too fast for Adeline. Lucas keeps running though and in the distance Adeline sees him tackle Ben to the ground. Instinctively she yells at him to stop but then covers her mouth and hopes no one heard. Even though they were in the woods, like any other cliche murder, they were not that far from town. Lucas returns with a less delusional Ben and they begin to discuss what to do next.

"We are not getting caught we all have too much to lose," Lucas said.

Adeline replies "I still think we need to dispose of the body"

After a long, tense pause Lucas replies "Fine, but if someone sees us I am blaming this entire thing on you."

"Okay then, help me lift him we need to dump him into the ocean."

"Where? People are everywhere on the beach someone will see us." Ben said, finally contributing to the conversation.

"Not if we go on the trail near the cliffs. No one goes up there since that boy fell off a few weeks ago. We can throw the body off. Any objections."

Adeline took the silence as a confirmation "Good, now lift his feet, Lucas."

The group of three starts to drag the man to the cliffs, soon they hear people wandering through the woods with no care in the world of what might be lurking out there. Adeline starts harshly whispering at them to get down and shut up and of course Lucas and Ben listen. Once the people are far enough away Lucas and Adeline notice Ben begins to cry once again, but still, he grabs the man's arm and starts to pull.

"Wrong it's just wrong" Ben mutters.

When they reach a spot far from the beginning of the trail Ben collapses to the ground and after the shock has passed begins to realize that he was an accomplice to a murder. Lucas and Adeline, discovering Ben will not be going any further, decide to push the body over the edge of the cliff and as it plunges eighteen-year-old Adeline begins to think of her future falling with it. Lucas goes back the way they came and tries to hide any evidence while Adeline is trying to comfort Ben. When Lucas returns they head back to town, burn their clothes and forget it ever happened while acting like normal teenagers that have never hurt a fly.

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