Unveiling Her Identity.

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"Do you know what it feels like to chase the unknown? It's creepy. Uncanny. Difficult,yet interesting
and mind-boggling.It keeps you high in all aspects." - A.I.

Closing a deal with one of the most sought International I.T. Company is an impossible task to fulfill for a novice. Sungjae is not an exemption. He is just a starter-someone who is indeed a beginner in this kind of field. As a matter of fact, this is his first time handling such huge task alone. The experience is somewhat overwhelming. Challenging. Yet fun. Despite being deprived with time for his needs, he enjoyed being so immersed in his work. He like the fact that he had accomplished everything under his own hands and supervision.

And the thought of finally meeting his goal is beyond happiness.

He was so delighted and proud of himself that he can't help but to smile and cry,almost.

He even thanked the C.E.O. not just once, but three times.

The C.E.O. find the young aspirant adorable that he also chuckled with the latter's behavior.

He left the meeting hall, still with a smile plastered on his face.

He was welcomed by his driver, Mr. Choi, who is apparently waiting for him outside the place.

Seeing his young master's delighted aura made him sure about the latter's success in his deal.

They immediately left the area, heading back to Seoul.

The young guy still can't believe about his achievement. It was so evident in him.

"Congratulations, Young Master." Mr. Choi said.

"Thank you, Abeoji. Thanks a lot for your help." Sungjae happily answered.

"Well, I don't really deserve the credit. I mean, it is not me who helped you to be in Jejudo after all."

"What do you mean, Abeoji?" The young guy asked, confused by the older man's remark.

"The lady earlier. She's the one who deserves to receive that appreciation."Mr. Choi answered while quickly looking at Sungjae's direction.

That made the latter silent.

"So, how was she? Did you thank her for helping you?"

"Yes Abeoji. I did." He shortly answered, for his thoughts starts to wander somewhere again.

He is now starting to think again about the girl he'd been with earlier. He is now wondering about things-matters related to her.

"You know, she's rare. She is different." Mr. Choi commented while looking at the road.

That made Sungjae snap out of his own thoughts and look at Mr. Choi's direction.

"How did you know, Abeoji?"

"Well, I just did." The old man answered.

He did not asked the man again. There was something inside him that holds him back to do so.He remained silent, looking at the scenery outside,
as he is trying to distract himself in thinking about that girl he'd been with.

Until he is completely drowned in deep slumber due to extreme exhaustion for the past few days.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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