Uncomfortable Situation

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((Edited 2022))

Grim: "I Hate that woman!"

All morning Dementia had been bothering grim Non-Stop all day. Constantly pestering or interrupting her while she was doing her paperwork.

Grim had finally been able to get her off her back by suggesting she go bother Dr.flug. Dementia had realized she hadn't messed with flug all day so she ran off to do just that. With that it became quiet and calm. Grim actually was able to get a lot done.

After a few hours Grim went down to the kitchen to get some refreshment. After entering the kitchen she took a huge breath of relief. She poured herself a cup of coffee with some arsenic added to it, her favorite.

Grim: "Well I enjoyed the piece while it lasted. However I guess I'll have to go see what that idiot is doing. Knowing Dementia probably causing Havoc on the poor scientist lab and experiments. That might be interesting to watch."

She begins to make her way towards Dr.flugs lab. When she starts to get close to the door, Grim could hear the commotion going on inside.

She could hear Flug yelling for Dementia to stop, the lizard woman not listening, and surprisingly she could also hear Black Hat yelling from inside.

It was rare for Black Hat to leave his office so he must have been doing something important with flug. Possibly could've been in the middle of filming a new commercial for his company.

Grim: "Whoops, probably shouldn't have sent Dementia to go aggravate them. Oh well the damage is already done. Might as well just take a peek inside."

As soon as the door open she could finally see what was going on inside for herself. While barely taking a sip of her toxic coffee she spat it out.

There stood five Black Hats, a frightened Dr flug, and a twitterpated Dementia clinging to the most muscular of the Black Hats.

Grim stood there in surprise and discuss as she dropped her mug of coffee. All Eyes turned on her except for Dementia's that was plastered with hearts.

Muscular Black Hat: "Why hello Grim darling. What is something as vile and hideous as you doing in a place like this?

He shoves Dementia off as she falls to the floor unceremoniously. He makes his way towards Grim, and once he's in front of her he starts to flex.

Muscular Black Hat: "Have you perhaps come to take a look at the birth of ultimate perfect? Or perhaps to help me oil up my magnificent evil body?"

Grim's is still frozen as her face twistes into nothing but complete disgust and  irritation. She slowly and quietly backs out and closes the door in front of her with a slam.

Grim quietly left to go back to her own office. She has never felt so disgusted in her entire being. She's just going back to work and this well never be brought up again.

Black Hats and the twin clone stood there in other shock. They couldn't believe what just happened. It was humiliation, not only haveing to deal with these pathetic clones. But Grim probably thought he was an idiot now too.

He was going to make Flug suffer for this. After all someone had to be punished for all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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