Chapter 1

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*Not edited excuse any mistakes

Imani pov
*ring*ring my alarm sounded as i woke up to get ready for my first day of senior year at Booker T Washington High School. I rubbed the crust from my eyes and stretched, then I got out of bed to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face dand take a shower.

My name is Imani Jones. I am 17 years old. My sister, Nadia and dad and I recently moved to Miami from Atlanta. It was hard to move away from all my friends but my dads drug business moved to Miami and we had to come along.

A few years back our momma passed away. But i dont really like to talk about her that much because i get emotional. My brother, Hakeem who is in college loved her like a mother because his mother wasnt in his life. His mom was some hoe that my father knocked up.

After I got out the shower I got dressed, i curled by lace frontal wig and make up which only includes eyebrows, eyelashes and lip gloss. After that, i went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning" i said to my dad while walking into the kitchen. "Good morning babygirl" my dad said replying to me before walking over to me and kissed my cheek.

He knew i didnt like him kissing me on the cheek and he does it to annoy me. I wiped off his kiss and mumbled eww. I mugged him while he laughed.. "Where is Nadia?"I asked him. " Upstairs" he answered. I nodded then went upstairs to he room. I knocked on the door until she said come in.

I walked into her room then sat in her bed. She was sitting at her vanity doing her edges "Good morning. You almost ready for school" i asked her. "Yea all i gotta do is put on my shoes." "Alrighty then im finna head to the car." "Ok" i got off her bed then went to my room to get my keys and purse. "Bye dad" i yelled as i walked towards the front door. "Bye have a good day" he yelled back.

I walked out the house to my car and seen the fine brown skin nigga walking the house beside ours. He had on some light washed jeans and graphic tee and some jordans. When i tell he was fine whew chile i aint lying. ( that rhymed and ian even try to make it rhyme) God definitely took his time on that man. I guess he seen me staring at him because he looked my way then chuckled and shook his head.

  I rushed to get into the car and thought about the fine nigga i just saw. I was thinking like "how the hell is it possible to be that fine" My thought were interrupted but a knocking on the passenger side's window. I looked but to see Nadia telling me do unlock her door.

   I unlocked it and she got in the car put on her seat belt while I put the school in the gps and drove my car out the driveway.."Damn gurl who was on yo mind? I stood out there knocking on window for a good 5 minutes." She asked looking at me like im crazy.  "You exaggerating now it was not no damn 5 minutes" I replied to her. "It was about 5 minutes. Anyways, im hungry can u stop at Mc Donald's." She asked. I nodded.

     She turned on the music and we jammed to music in the way to Mc Donald's then school.

   We arrived at school then went to the office to get our schedules and said bye to each other and each went to first period class, and i couldn't find it so i asked some dude where it was, and he showed me to the class and i thanked him.

   After first period i had to go to second period. I had my schedule in had looking down as i was walking and bumped into someone. I immediately looked up at the person to apologize but I realized it was the fine brown skin nigga from this morning looking down at me. He bent down  and picked up the stuff that I dropped and gave it to me. "Im so sorry" i said. "You good babygirl" he continued to examine me. "You look mad familiar. Ohhh I remember now you the shawty that was eyeing me down this morning when i was leaving the crib." He said still looking at me. "You must have me mistaken for someone else. Excuse me i have to get to class" I said as i walked down the hallway to my next class.

   After school we went home and ordered Chinese food and talked and laughed as family. After dinner we went to sleep. I hoped to see the fine brown skin nigga again.

Nadia's outfit

Imani's out fit

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Imani's out fit

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