Lego Bricks

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I stare at the outline of Manhattan and wonder if the bricks line up perfectly. They should, after all, that's how Lego kits are created. Each brick has a perfect place that, when completed, creates a masterpiece. The bricks of New York City should line up perfectly, that is how they look from here.

At this distance the city outline is perfect, nothing is out of place. On a clear evening, of any season, the setting sun creates a gold shining city reminiscent of childhood fairy tales. It is not Oz, that city was green, the outline of Manhattan is golden, like a faraway place where dreams lie in wait, for each road to rise and meet the pursuer. Dreams create the bridge required to span the Raritan Bay and close the separation from paradise.

The energy that radiates outward from the cluster of buildings and relies on the strength of each individual brick is palpable. I can feel it especially on clear days as my imagination roams and stories are created. I remember then that the outline changed, of course.

The bricks that held the other outline have long since been destroyed and removed. The question of why anyone would have wanted to destroy that outline is always on my mind when I remember that the other outline also reminded me of a Lego city. That outline was perfect and beautiful in energy and left the world a little better for having been here. The destroyers of the original bricks didn't understand any of that, they only wanted to destroy.

To want to destroy something is an emptiness that I can't imagine. I live to create and destroyers live to destroy. I don't understand it and do not even want to try. I look over the span of my life at the mistakes I learned and grew from, and the victories that I relished in, and I know that all of it helped me grow and propelled me forward. Ever-expanding, I even create as I cook a meal or bake a favorite treat. I have no desire to smash a cake or hurt myself or to hurt another.

My early years were formed while watching those that were supposed to guide me destroy themselves and anyone else that allowed them. I did not allow that, I do not allow it, and I do not analyze, understand or want to hear why others destroy.

I choose to create in every breath I take. It is the only reason we are here; to learn to create, to love, to expand, to build one positive brick on the other until all our masterpieces are created.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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