The fear I felt...

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Virgil's POV: 

I pushed that boy Roman off of me and silently panicking, I turned away and ripped open the door, only to immediately bump into what looked to be his twin and Deen hissing at him. I ran and hid inside a bathroom stall, but Deen climbed the wall. we sat and just hugged each other, my faint panic subsiding and his thumping heartbeat slowing down. "thanks, big bro." I whispered, and Deen replied with "no problem baby brother." Next thing I know, a royal sounding "OUCH!" was heard. I ran to go get the king and queen, with Deen following closely behind. I hope He's ok... 

Roman's POV: 

"OUCH!" I screech, holding my already damaged eye. "Remus, what the fuck!? that hurt dipshit!" I yell at him, and like usual, he was laughing sadistically. "but Roman~ I thought you liked it when we played Prince and the Villian." he taunted, a wicked smile on his face. "You. are. insane." I huffed out, summoning my own beautifully manicured SWORD!  "NOW SURRENDER, VILLAIN!" I shouted at him, and he just chuckled, his raspy voice ringing in my ears. as he pulled out his mace and swung at me, I heard our names called. uh oh.

Queen's POV:

I felt a tug on the wrist and looked down to see a snake and a witch. I smiled, kneeling. "what is little one?" the frantic witch tells me hurridly that Roman and another boy are fighting in the bathroom, and I instantly got pissed. Ripping the door open, I see Roman and Remus about to kill each other. "BOYS!" I yell, knowing full well they used their powers. "HOME. NOW!" I screamed. they did as told teleported away. I sighed heavily and waved my hand to dismiss the rest of the party guests. that's when Sarah walks up. and she looks PISSED. 

Sarah (virgil and deen's mom) POV: 

I stormed over, only to see Deen sitting with him. I was pissed. Grabbing Virgil by the ear, I started to tug him away but felt a force pulling me back. I looked back and saw Deen holding onto Virgil's hand, tears flowing down both of their faces. "Let go, Deen!" I yell, slapping him. he winces and follows us home. I grab my bat and shove Virgil into the corner, using levitation to chain him up. 


I struggled against the chains and felt fear and anxiety rising inside of me. as I look up, mom forcefully strikes me with her favorite bat. I keel over in pain, but she puts her fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at her. As her fist strikes my nose and breaks it, She whispers to me those words she says so much. "fucking dissapoinment" as the beating continued, I felt the shines leaving my eyes. I tried not to sob. I suddenly felt a horrifying squish and my eye burst with blood. the chains loosened, and mom said, "cover those up tomorrow. we have guests." Standing up, Deen rushed to my side, struggling to hold me up. My body ached from the contusions and lacerations and bone fractions. I ended up bleeding all over Deen, before seeing spots in my already shitty vision. I hugged Deen tighter before fading out of consciousness. th last thing I hear was a man frantically calling my name.  

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