A short cliffhanger, don't fall off.

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Joshua Lara

16 June 2014

Knock, Knock

The loss of my fearless childhood was one memory to never be forgotten. It was a beautiful day during the summer, but on that week, it ended with a gruesome nightmare; one not meant for an adolescent. As a child at the age of twelve, my mind was innocent, but I had fears, and that is when I believe my mind created a cruel image or memory to scar me on my early childhood. I shall elucidate the demons that have been in my mind over the past 6 years scarred within my thoughts.

It was a hot summer on our way to the home in Rialto that my Grandfather is supposed to sell as a realtor. As I see the beautiful houses stacked nearby next to each other, there was one that stood out, out of all the others. It was a peachy home with an enormous marble sculpted water fountain, with the grass surrounding it as if it were to attack it. I got out of the car to run up to the fountain, but the water in it was murky green with tadpoles or mosquitos swimming around. This home was once a beautiful place, but I knew something was wrong for the people to just leave a home this beautiful, especially with most of their properties there.

Finally, it’s almost lunchtime and my Grandfather will be leaving soon to get food. My sister asks, “Do you want to play Hide-and-Seek?” Of course, I was twelve, so I couldn’t turn down a good game of adventure. My Grandfather closed the door, and so I began to count to fifty. I heard my sister shuffling around, but I wasn’t sure where she headed. As I was done counting, I yelled out, “Here I come!” I was observing if she had made any mess that would have indicated where she was at. I headed outside, since the glass slide-door was open. I searched all around the backyard, and I realized that the whole area was a big dirt field. I would have seen her in plain sight if she was there. I went to look at the sides of the house by the trash bins, yet nothing. There was still tons of stuff left out, for example a trampoline and a patio table with the umbrella dusty yet still as if it was in use. I peered upon the upstairs windows and I thought for a second I saw a face, but the blinds were slanted open, as if watching me.

Just as I walk through the…

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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