Woah she's using some huge words right no-,she's being so supportive and sticking up for me even though it means she'll probably be on bad terms with Jirou and maybe even the rest of the class now

Jirou:I-I.....I'm..... sorry....

She walks out her room with her head down low not even looking back

Mina:My throat hurts now....

We both laugh until Mina starts coughing





Mina and I had been talking for a bit, kirishima soon entered the room and we all talked for a but more until Mina decided to leave

Mina:Hey (Y/N)


Mina:Don't forget that whenever your feeling down me and Kiri are here for you

(Y/N):Won't the class hate you like they hate me?

Mina:Hey if they hate you I'll give them the same lecture I gave Jirou.... I'll shorten it though 

(Y/N):Why would you guys do that for me anyway?

Mina: Cause we're friends duh, anyway bye!

She walks out of the room only to return a few moments later

Kirishima:Mina? Why are you back here?

Mina:The girls probably don't want me in there so can I sleep in here?

(Y/N):Uh if you want you can take my bed I'll sleep on the floor

I get up ready to go on the floor

Mina:I like half that deal let's make a compromise


Mina jumps in the bed and drags me in with her and snuggles her head into my neck making me a blushing mess,why is she in my bed again! Why do I feel so weird and not feel like this with her yesterday

(Y/N):M-M-Mina! W-why are you here...... I-In my bed

Mina looks up at me and grins

Mina:You weren't like this last night

(Y/N):Y-yeah but this time is different!

Mina:Awww is it because now your can see the cute girl that's in your bed

(Y/N):Yea- No!No!No! I don't know why it's different it just is!

(HIATUS) The Merciless Vigilante |-bnha x male reader-|Where stories live. Discover now