Part 2

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"We should watch The Darkest Minds" Nikki suggests 

"I think we should watch Divergent" Becca suggest 

"What about that new movie Kade Foster stars in" Vee suggests "He is so hot"

"But your heart is set on someone else" I tease and she throws a pillow at me 

"Shut up" She laughs 

"She is right though Amy" Bec said 

"You have a boyfriend" I remind her 

"Kade Foster's movie it is" Nikki decides  "You know they are working on a sequel"

"Really?" Bec asks 

"Its based of a book trilogy" Vee tells her 

"He is our age" Bec comments 

"Really, he seems so much older then 18"   

"Some of us are still 17" Nikki reminds and shares a smile with me "Amy you don't seem that intrigued to be watching Kade Foster" she continues, noticing my hesitance 

I just don't get what the big deal is about him, honestly he isn't all hes chalked up to be in my opinion 

"There is more to a guy than looks" I reply 

"If you say so..." Vee says 

I walk into the kitchen which is right across from the living room, the house is open planed so I can still see the girls as Nikki is pressing buttons on the remote and I here the familiar theme tune of 21st century fox that signals the start of a movie

I groan inwardly, even though I haven't seen the movie I can tell this is going to be difficult to stomach 

I fill a cup of water and take a sip 

"Haven't you read anything on him?" I ask "He is a spoilt party boy that has his tongue down a different girl's throat every night"

The girls look at me in shock horror 

"I heard he got a girl pregnant, he is probably a walking STD stick" I joke but they don't laugh there eyes are pleading me to stop but I can't bring myself to  

"I bet he has an ego the size of this house and that isn't even an exaggeration, he is always in the media causing scandal after scandal, the press have a field day just about everyday with him. He is constantly drunk and doped up, I am surprised he remembers the lines to any of his movies,  in fact I am surprised he has a career at all" I continue " He is such a douche bag and the biggest player the world has ever seen,  thankfully my father would never work with a jerk like him. But if that's what you guys find attractive then go ahead"

I  finish my glass of water and walk back into the living room and there standing in the doorway between the hallway and the living room is Kade Foster 

He has perfectly groomed light brown hair that is almost blonde but not quite, it is longer at the top and shorter at the sides. He has dark brown eyes, broad shoulders and a sharp jawline that would make any guy envious   

He looks even better in person then on the screen 

Now I understand the girls reaction 

"Glad to know what you think of me darlin' " He says as if it is no big deal

Oh shit ... he heard all of that

The guest my dad was talking about was Kade Foster - Hollywood superstar  

I am screwed  

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