The Reunion

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*leslie is at the front of joey drew studios*
Its been 10 years since i saw bendy, Henry and Joey invited me to see what they've been creating, they created me a few years back, it was me, Bendy, Boris, and Alice angel.
We havent seen each other in so long, what was i gonna say if they are here? Hi, its been a while. No no that too bland Hey guys long time no see. *sigh* corny. *leslie lets out a deep breath* just walk in and be yourself* leslie opens the door and Boris, Henry, and alice are there*
A.A.: LESLIE!!* A.A. runs and jumps on leslie with a hug*
A.A.: Hey Leslie, Long time no see
*Lessie inner mind* i knew i shouldve went with that.
Leslie: Hey guys *hugs A.A. and Boris* how have yall been A.A. tells abt her life and Boris signs he has been good. Boris was made without a voice so he communicates with sign language, its ashamed he cant talk, i feel bad about it sometimes. "Where's bendy?" I ask *boris shrugs*
A.A.: we dont know, we thought you knew.
We all give a nervous look at each other, Henry walks in and says his regards and we all have a conversation and finally he asks" Where is bendy" Me boris and A.A. in unison tell him we dont know we look around and found a run down ink machine and we found some drawings and blue prints with ink. We look at the drawings and see a disfigured of what used to be Bendy and I think to myself "its gonna be a long night."

Leslie and the interference of the ink machine Where stories live. Discover now