Chapter 2

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Scamp woke before anyone in the room. His eyelids fluttered open and he looked around slowly, before remembering the reason that he'd been sleeping in a different location. The little dog opened his mouth in a wide yawn, pink tongue curling. He turned his head to look at a sleeping Angel, who had somehow wormed her way into his bed at night. He felt his face flush a little under his fur. He glanced around to make sure that no one was awake, not quite ready for the questions this might dig up. "Angel."He whispered, nudging her a bit with his nose. "Angel, wake up." The pretty mixed breed stirred beside him and mumbled something unintelligible. Scamp nudged her again. She squeezed her eyes shut tight for a moment, then blinked them rapidly. She rolled over, looking as confused as Scamp had been. He sat up and looked down at her with a laugh.

When she got a good focus on him, he noticed how flustered she looked to be found where she was. Scamp yawned again, then stood and stretched. He shook out his ruffled fur while Angel quickly rolled over and sat up beside him. The puppies glanced at each other briefly before a scuffle ensued, both trying to push the other out of the bed. Scamp pushed his forehead against Angel's shoulder, causing her to tumble out of the bed. She regained her footing quickly and made a face, feigning a pout. Scamp tilted his head in silent questioning, while she belly crawled forward, eyes glistening sadly. He leaned out of the bed and twitched his nose. A smile appeared on Angel's face and she ducked under his chin and between his front legs, then stood up. Scamp's eyes flew open wide and he gasped. The startled young dog tried to stay on her but his paws flailed and he slid down off of Angel's back and onto the floor. when she stood up, Angel raised her head triumphantly, She grinned down at Scamp, who was looking up at her in a daze. He rolled over while Angel hopped neatly over him. She turned around, and with a quick wag her tail and a playful smile, both puppies were scampering out of the room. The moment they were out of hearing range of the sleeping dogs they had left behind, Angel let out a happy yip. Scamp, who was hot on her heels as they tore through the house, echoed his."I'm gonna get you!" He laughed, noticing that he was following Angel straight to the doggie door. "You sure about that Tenderf-"Angel was cut off when Scamp put on a burst of speed, causing both puppies to jam their way into the dog door at the same time as they leap through. They both struggled for a moment before going limp with their legs dangling out either side. "Scamp!" Angel whined."What? I didn't know this would happen! Maybe you're a little fatter than thought...Ow!Woman!" Scamp's teasing ended when Angel aimed a kick at the hind leg closest to hers. She rolled her eyes at his exclamation, but then began to giggle. Scamp joined her, until both of them were having a laughing fit. "O-okay Scamp. Scoot away from me as far as you can." Angel painted, trying to sober. "Maybe if we both suck our breath we can get out."

Scamp obeyed, and both puppies sucked in their bellies. Angel braced her front paws as best she could against the door and scrambled with her back paws, pushing herself forward. Eventually, her small body began to slip free. "Oof!"With a small grunt, Angel was loose, flat on the back porch. Scamp let out the breath he'd been holding and hopped out after her. He looked down at his fallen friend with a big puppy grin. She glared back up at him. Scamp ignored the glare and leaned his head down to nuzzle his face into her fur.

He felt her tense a bit for a moment, as though shocked. After one quiet moment, her face moved to brush against his cheek. He shivered happily in the cool morning air, hardly even noting why. (The sun hadn't even come all the way over the horizon yet.) Angel looked at him when he shivered, eyes sparkling. He could stare into those eyes all day...he leaned in close, opening his mouth to speak and THUD.

The young dogs jumped when they heard the sound. "What on Earth was that?" Scamp muttered, tilting his head. Angel didn't reply right away. When she did, she sounded as curious as Scamp. "No idea. It came from inside the yard though. Near the fence." The pretty little dog stood and began to hop down the porch steps into the yard. "Let's go check it out."

They headed out across the cold, dewy grass to investigate, fur brushing each others', only half consciously. The pair stopped when they saw it. Its pitch black skin had split, spilling its somewhat smelly contents all over the well manicured lawn. "A garbage bag? I guess someone tossed it over the fence." Angel stated quizzically. She stepped forward to sniff it over carefully. Scamp followed her and did the same. He smelled something deep in the trash that sent his stomach growling. "Chicken." Angel echoed his thoughts.

Without thinking, both puppies began to nose through the trash to find the smell. Life on the streets, however short, had pounded one message deep into the minds of every dog, unfortunate enough to be granted such a lowly life.

This was food. Scamp's mouth watered when Angel began to tug the potential meal from the inner depths of the bag. He was so close to the meat now that he could practically taste it as the smell drifted across his open, panting mouth. He settled down in the trash to share it with Angel... "Scamp! Jim! Come here!" He heard Darling's horrified voice, and closed his eyes tight. Uh oh... 

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