Dragon Tales Reacts to Hearts of Iron 4:Kaiserreich: Second American Civil War.

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Emmy: So this is where America is divided?

Note: In these stories I'll be along with respected Cartoon Characters in each story.

Andy: Yep, it's between, the Combined Syndicates Of America, the American Union State, and the Military Dictatorship Under General Douglas MacArthur.

Ord: What's the Combined Syndicates Of America?

Andy: In a nutshell since the Re-election of Herbert Hoover and the radical political climate across the world caused by the Central Powers winning World War 1 or the Weltkrieg. With Herbert Hoover being re-elected by the House of Representatives caused by an electoral gridlock it caused widespread outrage.

Ord: I see, so what happened after that?

Andy:By the mid-1930s, the ineffective second term of President has threatened the very two-party political system that has dominated the US government since the American Civil War of the last century. Previously, the Democratic and Republican parties maintaining the support of American industry and big business, with any "extremist" groups being fragmented and disunited. Two grand coalitions have risen to challenge the traditional system, with the first being the populist and technocratic , with the second being the revolutionary Socialist Party of America. Each group is mobilizing its supporters and fielding candidates to become the 32nd President of the United States come the next election in 1936.n the so-called "Red Belt" consisting of the area from Long Island & New Jersey to the Mississippi river, the Socialist Party of America has a dominating grasp on government. The majority of state governments are run by SPA members, and it is rare to see the Red Belt elect a representative or senator to Washington that is not a progressive or socialist. The mainstream current of the Socialist Party is Orthodox Syndicalism, championed by Big Bill Haywood & . Norman Thomas leads the almost as popular Libertarian Syndicalism movement, detracted as 'radical socialism' by opponents. Less popular among the Socialists is the Communist Party, which is heavily affiliated with the Socialist Party but maintains some independence. Led by Earl Browder and W. Z. Foster, the Communist Party has seen some success in destitute suburbs and inner city districts. The Socialist Party has also found success outside of the Red Belt, in industrial cities such as Seattle and rural mining regions such as in Colorado. 

Ord: That's impressive, I didn't know that an election can cause widespread outrage like that.

Andy: Just like back in the 1860s with the election of Abe Lincoln causing most of the southern states succeed trust me my dad is a Civil war Buff.

Cassie: What about the economy in 1936?

Andy: The United States, without a doubt boasts the largest industrial capacity out of all of the world's major powers in 1936 and when it comes to resources, the US has an abundance of natural resources, making them a self sufficient nation. But the economy is crippled by the collapse of the Entente and the Great Depression which hinders the industrial power of the United States greatly. But ever since the stock market crash of 1925, the Berlin stock exchange was very prominent because it, The Ottoman Empire and Austria Hungary won the First World War.

Max: What about the Second American Civil War?

Andy: Both the Syndicates and the America First Party have the capacity to rise up as paramilitary forces and popular militias around the country, and should either one not be elected they are prepared to take power by force if necessary. Incase push comes to shove, another war will be imminent between the United States, The Combined Syndicates of America and the American Union State. The Combined Syndicates take up arms in the north mostly steel producing states and the American Union State takes up arms in the south.

In September 1936, an event will fire that will ask if you want to have the 1936 elections go ahead, or to invite the military to step in. Choosing to have the military take in will start the civil war. If you chose to have the 1936 elections go ahead, in November you can pick John Reed, Huey Long, John Garner, or Charles Curtis for president. Picking anyone besides Curtis will guarantee that the civil war will happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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