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A while ago, Big Hero 6 had faced off a threat posed of monsters, some of which were mutated versions of the enemies they'd faced, like Momakase, Mr Sparkles, and mother-and-daughter crime duo, High Voltage.

All those monsters had seemed to have been created by the 'evil' owner of Sycorax Labs; Liv Amara. 

But, In reality, 'Liv Amara' was actually Liv's devious evil double, Diane Amara, a clone of Liv Amara. She turned Orso Knox, a billionaire, into a monster, and the other villains into monsters too. She even turned Karmi, one of the students at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, who had also become an intern at Sycorax, into a monster as well.

But Bessie, a meteor from Muirahara Woods, that had been turned into a bear-like monster by Diane, deactivated the chips that Di had put in, turning everyone back to normal.

And, Hiro Hamada, with the help of Baymax, and the real Liv Amara, stopped Di's plan, turned Karmi back to her normal self, and Di, and her assistant, Chris, were arrested.

However, this victory came with a VERY bitter price: Karmi's parents had decided to move her out of the city, deeming it 'unsafe'. This news from Professor Granville had saddened Hiro, for he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Karmi, but he soon cheered up when he read Karmi's newst fanfiction about the 'City of Monsters' plot.

Hiro was busy reading Karmi's latest fan-fiction, when Aunt Cass entered his room.

"Hiro," she said, "I'm real sorry for interrupting, but Chief Cruz was in earlier. He asked me to pass this letter on to you." she handed Hiro the letter. "He said it was from someone called 'Mr. Knox.' The address of where he lives is on the letter." she said as she left.

Hiro wrote the address on the letter on a bit of paper, then later, he was riding Tadashi's scooter through San Fransokyo, and soon, he reached the coordinates - the house of Orso Knox.

He parked the scooter, then he knocked on the door.

"Enter." Orso's voice called from inside.

Hiro opened the door, and entered Orso's office, which was apparently back to normal, following the events of what had happened in the 'Big Problem' episode. There he found Orso Knox, in his white shirt, blue jacket, light brown pants, and brown shoes, sitting in his chair, reading a book, feet propped up on a coffee table.

"Hello, Orso Knox." Hiro said.

Orso put the book down and saw Hiro. "Ahh, if it isn't Hiro Hamada," Orso said.

"How do you know my name?" Hiro asked, as he sat down on another chair, near Orso's chair.

"Your friend from SFIT came by earlier last week, and told me about you. She even told me how brave it was that you cured her, and the real Liv Amara, and saved San Fransokyo from a fate worse than death." Orso said.

'He's talking about Karmi,' Hiro thought. "Well I'm glad you got off from all those villains, as my friends did say that you said that you weren't with them."

"Well," Orso Knox added anxiously, "after that bear-shaped meteor creature turned me and the others back to normal, the police had to take me in for questioning, following Di's arrest. "

Hiro's eyes narrowed in shock. "And did it go well for you?" he asked.

"Yes, yes it did. It was thankful of course," Orso said, "that the new police chief, Diego Cruz, was so understanding."

"Yeah, I know Chief Cruz." Hiro said. "I met him after the mutated High Voltage's attack on the school dance me and his daughter Megan went to." 

"I was in the police station for a while." Orso continued. "I strictly denied any involvement in Di's evil scheme, and thankfully, I wasn't pressed with strong charges. Though, Chief Cruz said that I have to serve 75 hours of community service for the damage I caused." He sighed. "I'm not proud of what I did as a monster, you know."

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