Secrets Unsharable

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Chapter 2

Bakugous POV

*I feel around his body kissing him as he leans into it, I need to see if he has a tracker on him cause based off the description it sounds like someone from the League, I try not to get destracted from what I need to do but his lips are so soft and his body so perfect, I move my hands down and grab his ass it so nice and I want to be able to spank it and tease him but I reach into his shorts and feel a little very thin black peice with a little light I pull it out and back away from him* "W-why did you stop" *I slightly smirk at the fact he wanted more of me* "Cause I found what I needed" *He looks at my curiously then a little mad as he looks down seeing the tracker* "So you just did that to get the tracker, I thought we had something" *I go a little shock realizing what he ment and I quickly wrap my arms around him* "No the kiss was real we do have something I couldn't keep myself from kissing you trying to look for it" *He face softens and he is so beautiful* "Okay I was worried" *I knod and let go of him and grab his hand leaving the tracker at the broken down apartment as we drive off.* "How did you know there would be a tracker?" *I look at him a bit worried cause I don't think I should tell him what my work is that would just put him in more danger* "I have people wanting to find me" *He looks at me curiously* "Why would people want to find you?" *I think how can I hade this up he can't know I want him to be safe* "Go to loft!" *I yell at my driver as he knods and he head to my loft apartment* "We are headed to my apartment" *Shoto knods and we just sit there silently holding hands. After about forty minutes we arrive as they enter the parking garage and Shoto looks around in a bit of shock.* "Are you okay Half and half?" *I ask with a smirk planted on my face.*

Todorokis POV

*I look around surprised at all the fancy cars and the building itself* "Wow are all these yours?"*I look at him* "Not all just a few of them, some are my workers, come on Half and Half let's go inside and talk." *I knod as we walk hand in hand to his apartment, we get up there and it's beautiful, big rooms tall walls windows everywhere expensive things everywhere I am honetsly scared to touch everything, this man comes up and he is dressed like a cook I am very scared I don't like new people and I don't like to be near things that are worth more then my life.* "Half and Half this is my Cook Mink" *I say hello and he knods back it almost looks like a bow and Bakugou grabs my hand and we walk through this large hallway to I am guessing his office* "Here sit down and let's talk cause I am pretty sure you have plenty of questions." *He gestures at a chair in front of this big wooden desk and I sit down.* "Now let me tell you right now I won't give you the answers you are looking for about work and money that is something I will not be able to tell you until I have known you for a lot longer." *I listen to him talk but Its fair what he says we have gotten to know each others personality but each other's life is different, but I wasn't really going to ask that stuff yet, but..."I just have two questions" *I state and stand up getting a bit closer to him* "W-what was t-that kiss earlier?" *The kiss he gave me it was more then just a friendly kiss, I felt something from It, He Blushes and grabs my waist and pulls me a bit closer.* "Ha, did you like it?" *He asks his voice slowly going to lower deeper tone that makes my heart melt* "I guess a bit" *My face turns a darker red and looks around not wanting to make eye contact* "Well I guess we will have to try it again to get a definite answer." *He smirks and pulls me too him and pushes his lips into mine, they are just so soft but the kiss rough, and he slowly glides his hands on my body but before it gets too heated he pulls away.* "What do you think now?" *I nod in a agreeing way just wanting more.*
"And your second question?" *He sits at his desk* "How did you know there would be a tracker?" *I ask* "Well based on how you described him and how he talked I know who he is and he is a man trying to find me so he went after someone I talk to, he must have followed me some days and saw you and I always talking so in return he went after you. That Fucking bastard." *He mutters the last part to himself, and then clears his throat* "Are you sure that's all you want to ask?" *I nod yes and sit down in the chair in front of his desk, he looks at me surprised* "There is no point in asking questions I am pretty sure I wont get an answer to, so why even ask?" *He think for a moment* "That is true. So may I ask you a question?" *I smile lightly* "Sure, what's your question?" *He smirks that now classic smirk of his that honestly make my heart do a flip but I will never tell him that* "Why have you still not used that number?" *I laugh and play it off all cool when Inside I was blushing, I was scared to call or text him, cause I didn't want to get a reject* "I don't know just forgot." *He stands up walks towards me and grabs my hand pulling me up* "Okay my dear Sexy Shoto will you allow me a angry man to take you on a date tomorrow to distract you from the terror of tonight?" *I smile and squeeze his hand a bit* "You have already distracted me quite a bit." *He kisses me on the cheek* "Then the plan worked, But I think I can do a bit more." *He then kisses my hand and then up my arm a little all the way to my neck. I gasp lightly as he gently kisses a spot on my neck, once he heard this he slid his teeth on it biting lightly making me moan quietly.* "Ha Cute" *I blush lightly and grab onto his waist* "Maybe I can make you moan too, Daddy~" *He gives me a look of full approval* "Damn Baby if you call me that again I may not be able to wait till after our date." *He bites the side of his bottom lip, then parts from me* "Go on My driver will take you home and I will pick you up from there tomorrow at 7" *He kisses my hand one last time* "Have a good night, Shoto." *A guy stands beside me showing me the way and I follow when we walk out I turn back and see Bakugou wink at me, I walk to the car and the man asks for my Address and Drives me home.* "Thank you!" *The driver smiles and nods to me driving off when I close the door. I head up stairs and squeal Like a little girl extremely excited. I plop down on my bead and think about stuff like what to wear and then I start really thinking to myself* "I wonder how big his dick is~!" *I say to myself sounding like a hoe but I don't care I am happy.*

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