"She was the one who protected you"

Start from the beginning

"We have been at this for hours" Elijah scolds Niklaus in a tired tone. "To what end. Niklaus I know you and I grew up fighting you. I can't be beaten nor can I be pursueded" I hear Rebekah walking back and forth as she listens to us.

"You cannot get past me" I push myself off of the wall which I was leaning against and watch my two brothers curiously.

"I can get past you, although it might have to be over your dead body" I step in front of Elijah my eyes narrowed as they stare at Niklaus but slight fearful at the weapon in his hand.

"You did stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of horrendous pain" he lifts the stake. "Perhaps my anter should be turned towards you" Niklaus says. I let out growl more animalistic than human.

"You should see yourself" I hiss at him. "A murderous expression, self righteous posturing" I list and I hear Elijah step out from behind me.

"You look like father" Elijah says and I can see the insult in it as Niklaus looks between Elijah and I.

My expression changes from anger to guilt as I see a heartbroken look on his face. I can see he has never been more insulted or more scared in his life.
Scared that what we might be saying, may be the truth.

"I'm not like father" he whispers but not in fright, in rage. "Rebekah's betrayal justifies my anger, his was that of a madman, none of you recieved his cruelty" he growls and I look down at my shoes. "Not Kol, not Finn, none of you!" She shouts and my head shoits back up, tears in my eyes, matching his.

"I received it along with you brother!" I shout and both of them look at me. "If you have forgotten ge hunted us both, not just you, I was also considered an abomination. His cruelty was directed at both of us!" I shout and I see guilt flash through his eyes but it quickly vanishes behind the rage.

"Well then you may have forgotten what he was truly like" his says l, his voice low and dangerous.

"No, I have not forgotten"


I stand next to a small Niklaus as he aims the arrow. Finn had forbidden me to go along but like always Elijah came and became the better older brother. His long arm hung over my shoulder as we watched.

"Now be still, deep breath, hold" my sma hands move to cover my eyes and a slight chuckle leaves Elijah's lips. "Now" he says and I hear the sound of the arrow being released.

I slowly remove my eyes to see the arrow had hit s tree. I smile at it and look up at Elijah. "Your aim us improving" he turns and looks down at me. "May I try brother?" I say and he smiles at the excitement in my eyes.

"You encourage them Elijah?" We hear a deep voice and turn around. I cower behind Elijah. Both my brothers move to stand in front of me.

"But he grows more pathetic every day" I can see Niklaus becoming angry. "I'm not pathetic" Niklaus almost yells up at our father.

"Do not talk back to me" our father hisses. I step out from behind Elijah and he tries to stop me but fails. "He did not talk back to you" I growl, glaring up at my father.

His head whips towards me and before any of us can do anything he lifts his hand strikes me across the face causing me to fall back. Tears threaten to spill but I don't let them.

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