I look at him and saw he was conflicted about something. Wasn't sure what.

"Thank you." He said quickly and softly.


He groaned and looked around, "I said, 'Thank you'."

"I know I heard you the first time," I smiled which made him confused and then it slowly turned to frustration.

"Then why did you make me say it again?!"

"Because it's good for you," I said crossing my arms. "and you said it so fast i wanted to be sure i heard you correctly."

"You're such a child."

"I am a child. Technically so are you."

"Whatever," And with that he walked away.

Malfoy does have a heart. Somewhere in the cold veil he has.

I went after him, only stop when my brother walked in the library and the two glared at each other. No matter what Malfoy and my brother were never going to meet on terms. Why bother being nice it Malfoy if him and Harry are never going to get along? But who know maybe one day. Malfoy wasn't as cruel as his father, at least I don't think he wants to be. Godric, I must be not well.


Later at the common room, Harry told me what he knew. Dragons. The first task was Dragons, or something with dragons, other way it wasn't good. There was one Dragon for each Champion. Harry and Moody digured out Harry was allowed a wand, and he was going to use a speel to summom his broom. All that was left was for him to practice. It was before dinner, Harry and I went down to Hagrid's so he could practice with the Accio spell and fly around a bit.

"You got this Harry." I told him. He was high in a tree and called for his broom. It flew towards him and he grabbed the handle and jump on it flying up and then coming back down.

"At'ya Harry!" Hagrid and I clapped and were pround. "Now, let's go get something to eat. You need your rest for tomorrow."

Harry and I went inside the castle and to the great hall after going to the common room and leaving his broom and changing into our uniforms. We joined Ginny, and Neville at dinner and talked around for a bit. Ron was with his brother or rather on the opposite side still avoiding Harry. I looked over at Ginny when my eyes caught Draco looking over at us. The second he notice I caught his gaze he looked away paying attention to his friends and Pansy, who had been trying to get him to notice her.


Today was the day. The day of the first task. Everyone was excited, whereas I was nervous. But not as nervous as Harry was. This moring he made sure his broom was ready for what he had planned, he didn't even eat breakfast. Just poke around at it.

I was sitting alone in the courtyard for a bit. After almost a hour or so I went to find Harry. When I entered I saw he was walking down the grand stair case.

"Ready?" I asked.

He let out a sigh. "Do I have a choice?"

He grabbed my hand and we walked to where the Champions were waiting for their task to start.

"You okay?"


"Good luck Potter." A Gryiffndor said passing by.

"Thanks." Harry said.

"You'll be fine Harry. Just... jsut remember what you need to do. Just do that... and you'll be fine." we were almost to the tent. He stopped and looked at me. "Just... just try not to..." this was one thing I could never do.

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