Love at first sight

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Gerald watched Peppa climb out of her house. Her nonexistent locks of luciousness seemed to flow flawlessly behind her, invisibly. Her pink nose quivered and snorted, her eyes gleaming next to each other like his and her love; inseparable.

He was caught up in her trance of beauty when suddenly her stocky figure fell from her window. Gerald gasped and dove to catch peppa like a volley ball player. In just the right moment, Peppa landed safely into his speckled yellow fur. Peppa snorted in surprise.

"Y-you saved me.... Again," she said, her eyes fluttering delicately. Gerald's eyes gazed into hers, unwavering. His golden brown fur stood out in the moonlight, boldly against his yellow. Peppa oinked quietly, deep blushing rising to her cheeks.

"Peppa..." Gerald began, gently putting her down. She smiled and looked down at her feet, feeling quite bashful.

"Peppa.. I have something to say to you..." He twiddled with his thumbs, obviously nervous. "Yes?" Peppa asked slowly but eagerly.

" I-" all of the sudden there was a huge, monstrous snort. It echoed the midnight air, frightening the both of them and causing Peppa to hop back into her loved one's arms.

"Daddy pig!" She shouted, panic in her British voice. He waddled out into the yard in anger, snorting inaudible.

"What is he doing here!" He set his hands on his hips, glaring at Gerald. Peppa stuttered for an explanation. "I-I'm sorry," he said, eyes looking around aimlessly. "I just came to give her... Uh... Homework." Gerald smiled nervously.

Daddy Pig snorted/scoffed. "At 11:30 pm? That's ridiculous!"
"Language, Daddy Pig!"
"Not now,Peppa! Go to your room!"
"But Daddy!"

Peppa raced up the stairs crying. She could only imagine what lecture he would give her love.

"You.." Daddy Pig glared, jabbing a finger at Gerald.
Gerald gulped.

"I want you to leave my house and never. Come. Back. And come anywhere near my daughter ever again and I will hire a bully for you."

Gerald gasped in fear and fled the house. He loved Peppa, but what could be do?

• • •

So now Gerald was here. Resting in a park, dreaming of Peppa. He longed to go and give her a hug, to tell her he missed her. But it had been two weeks and he would ditch school to not see her.

To keep Peppa's memory alive he would recall past events. Like the day they first met.

It was the first day of a new city, New school for Gerald. He walked in, self conscious, because of his height. As.soon as he saw Peppa, he felt even more self conscience. There stood a beautiful pig, and he had been taught never to like anyone outside of their species.
He remembered feeling guilty.

She even made fun of him, but now, thinking about it, her pointing out how tall he was was because she was impressed. She always looked up to him and always had that glimmer.

It was because she admired his height. One day, she was climbing a tree and got stuck. Nobody could reach her, and if they called the teacher she would get in trouble, as they weren't supposed to climb the trees. 

Gerald saw this chance to rescue her and she jumped down into his arms. And well, it was love at first sight.

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