Chapter 6:Preschool Behavior

Start from the beginning

If he wanted to play dirty, she would cut him so deep that it would set him in the line for the next few days. If he thought his preschool behavior would fly during her vacation, he had another thing coming. She had one preschooler and did not want another one in her life even though she technically had agreed to this.

A shadow fell across her desk, but she couldn't help but smile when she saw who it was. The same mailroom clerk who had ruffled Alex's feathers, stood in front of her, holding out her mail. Hakeem Mnekeba (ma-kay-buh) was gorgeous, with strong South African features and a muscular physique. "Good morning Hakeem, how are you this morning?" She asked leaning across the desk biting the tip of her pen. She knew that Alex could see her through the webcam feature that he had installed in the office to check on productivity in the office.

"I am wonderful my African sister, my fiancee and I finally set a date for our wedding," She smiled but she wanted to get Alex to know she was done playing around with him. The mood swings were quickly getting old. As charming as he was, he reminded her too much of Jace..Jace the waste.

"Are you going to have it in South Africa like you wanted to?" He shook hs head and she smiled weakly. For people like Hakeem who still believed in happy ever after, she was truly happy but she gave up on the idea long ago. All it took for her was to be thrown out on the streets wearing nothing but a terry robe to remind herself how love could turn sour in a split second.

"How fast does that cart go?" The devil came out from his office resting a whole new stack of files on her desk. Hakeem whispered something under his breath winking at her before pushing his mail cart to the next section of the office, whistling loudly.

"I need these filed before the end of the day," She looked up into those eyes that had been so compassionate last night but now were hard with no life behind them. She wanted to give him a slap to break the egotistical personality.

"I'm technically on vacation, so you're going to have to file them yourself," She grabbed her bag and left him there by his lonesome. As she walked, she could hear snickers from some of her co-workers and guessed that the tabloids were out and the news of their relationship was finally leaked. She had been surprised that no one had mentioned it earlier, but she knew it was partially because she had come into the office late.

"She's like all the others, I don't know why she is acting so damn high and mighty," One of the women said from one of the stalls. She checked her reflection and reapplied her lipstick, more eavesdropping than fixated on how her makeup looked.

"I give their relationship two weeks,"

There was silence for a few seconds while the women talked about Alex. As with most of the women in the greater area of Miami, the name alone made them melt into a puddle of goo.

"Didn't she date a high profile athlete and get pregnant to trap him into marrying her?"

Her blood boiled but she decided instead of acting a fool up in the small restroom that she would instead get even. She could act ghetto but instead turned on each pipe in turn, causing the toilets to overflow. Getting familiar with the cleaning staff had taught her that turning on all of the pipes, led to a major catastrophe with the toilet system. She would have to repay Consuela and Marisol later for giving them extra work, knowing they had three other offices to clean but this was about revenge.


Screams filled the bathroom and she giggled as the stream of toilet water shooted upwards towards the ceiling, soaking the two women entirely. She herself had to duck as the water came dangerously close to her. "It's just weave. It'll dry out," She pursed her lips running out of the bathroom as fast as her Choo's would let her.

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