Chapter II: - "A Small Man's-Cub"

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The small creature had cooed out in curiosity, all of the while sitting behind a large tree root protruding outwards and onwards thus. It held a small leaf in its hands as if to suck on it, saying a few "yum yum" resembling sounds as it did so. Bagheera had approached the creature and in a few moments, it began to remind him of himself when he was younger, from truly indeed all of those many seasons ago. He looked upon the small thing with compassion. Quickly that very small creature had placed one of its hands on Bagheera's face, and he had allowed it to do so.

Suddenly a familiar roar had gotten Bagheera straight to attention. Two of those actually.

And Bagheera knew that the nearest homes for such creatures as this one was way too far, and if this so little one did not get any mother's milk soon, then it would surely indeed perish. Therefore if there was any chance for this little one known whilst as a Man's-Cub in order to survive, then alas, Bagheera would not be able to look out for him alone, so he would need to entrust this little creature to a people in order to protect the little one.

Bagheera knew who he could entrust the little creature to. So he gently lifted the creature with his jaws and took the creature to where he knew that he could be kept safe over at.

"For The Time Being here now, at the very least." Thought Bagheera.

And as he had went to the destination in mind for where he was taking the little creature who he had gently held in his jaws, without harming it ever at all, he somehow knew that Kaa was watching from nearby and indeed so was this the case.

"Little Bagheera ever knowssss," Thought Kaa whilst she had watched, "yet all following right jusssst upon one day, that ssmallll creature is to become the one whom The Jungles among and all of the rest of all The Wiiiilllldssssssssssss shalt carrieth the greatest of all need of."

Bagheera leaped across a few rocks after a while, knowing he was close to his and the little one's very destination.

Finally Bagheera came to The Great Seonee Wolf Pack Hills.

Bagheera knew just who it was that had lived there that would be compassionate enough for him to entrust the human child to. Nisha had become a mother of four cubs, one of which was grey and called by such a name as Grey as a result of it all. Quickly Bagheera located the den of her, her cubs and her mate that was her cubs' father, Vihaan. Gently The Black Panther had lain the little child upon the rock as soon as he saw that he was nearby the den, and quickly fled back into the bushes that he came on through.

Then Bagheera had waited behind those bushes enough to watch over The Small Man's-Cub up to whenever it was that The Little Man's-Cub would so soon be noticed by, found and then taken in whilst by the wolf family he knew of for quite some time.

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