After playing some more games with some more wholesome exchanges, they both were hungry. It was nearing 4 o'clock. Which means It was nearly dinnertime. "Hey Midoryia! Wanna grab a bite to eat? I know this awesome place we can go to!" Kirishima said. "That sounds great! When are we gonna leave?" Midoryia asked. "Wanna go now? Cause, it's actually quite a walk from here, but it'll be worth it!" Kirishima said. Midoryia nodded, and off they went. They walked and talked, Kirishima shared this delightful story on how Bakugou got yelled at by Iida for vaping on Mr. Aizawa while he was sleeping. Midoryia couldn't contain his laughter. Kirishima stopped at a door, looked at it, and smiled at Midoryia. Midoryia had forgotten where they were going, so he didn't notice that they were in an alley way. Kirishima opened the door and the aroma of miso soup and chille filled both of their nostrils. They walked inside, and before them layed a cozy, home-like, underground restaurant. Warms colors all around. One direction, you could smell pork and vegetables, another direction, you could smell beef and something spicy, and in another direction, you smell something sweet, like dango or mochi.   A small old lady came from behind the counter and greeted them. "Ejirou, my boy! Welcome back, you're looking as handsome as ever!" The old lady gushed. She looked at Midoryia, who was holding onto Kirishima's arm. "And who are you? Are you a friend of Ejirou? You are so cute!" Said the old lady as she somehow was able to reach up and pinch Midoryia's face cheeks. "Min-sama, this is my date, Izuku Midoryia." Kirishima said. "A date you say! I have just the table! Come in, Come in!" Min-sama said, grabbing both of their hands and dragging  them to a table far from the few people that were sitting at other tables. In through a door frame, and in another room, equally as cozy feeling as the main room of this restaurant. The room was quite small, only having four tables with cloths covering them. Out of the four, only two had a small vase with one single flower in it. She sat the boys down at one of the tables that didn't have a flower on it. She quickly rushed to one of the tables that had a flower and gently placed it on the table.

After getting the menus and ordering, Izuku asked to go the bathroom, Min-sama helped him. After Izuku had left the table, Min-sama turned to Kirishima. "I'll text your mother letting her know that you were here." Min-sama said, taking out her smartphone. Despite being old, she was honestly really good with technology. "Maybe sprinkle in the fact that I look really upset, that I'm... crying in my ramen. Just maybe don't tell her the fact that I'm on a date with "The One?", y'know?" Kirishima responded. Min-sama closed her eye as she lowered her phone, then let out a huge sigh. "That woman...not loving  her own son because of what he feels. Just awful..." She muttered as she opened her eyes again and begin typing. The bathroom door opened and out came Izuku. He sat down as Min-sama turned and walked away, phone in hand. Izuku smiles at Kirishima, and Kirishima smiled back. Kirishima reaches out his hand across the table. Izuku blushed and took his hand. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" Izuku said. "I dunno, maybe about how beautiful you are?" Kirishima said. Izuku blushed even more but held his composure. "No, u" reasponed Izuku, pulling out an Uno reverse card from his pocket. Kirishima gasped, the absolute meme! "How- Wha- Why do you have that!?" Kirishima said, flabbergasted but also impressed. "For important occasions!" Izuku reasponed. "Like what?" Kirishima asked. Izuku shrugged, which sent Kirishima and him into a set of giggles.

After a few more flirtatious comments, and even more memes, their food arrives. They eat, chat, and laugh. Kirishima pays for their food, and they're out of there. Izuku lived actually not too far, so they walked. "So, um, there's something I want to tell you, Izuku- or, urm, Midoryia." Kirishima said, pink now covering his cheeks. "What is it?" Midoryia asked. Well, remember the sleepover, the one where I was singing that one love song? wasn't for Mina, it was for you." Kirishima said. He heard a chuckle come from Midoryia. "Well, clearly! If you were singing it for her, you two would be been dating by now!" Midoryia said with a smile. Kirishima smiled back. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Kirishima responded. They soon reached Midoryia's doorstep. "So, what do you say? Do you wanna go on another date?" Kirishima asked, nervous at his response. "I would like that." Midoryia said. He then kissed Kirishima's cheek. "Cya at school!" Midoryia said as he opened his apartment door and closed it. Kirishima walked away smiling to the highest of heavens.

That didn't last for long. He remembered that he now has to go home and deal with the monster that is called "Mom and Dad". He could never win. He got on the nearest bus stop and hopped on a bus toward his neighborhood. When he arrived at the bus stop at his neighborhood, he put on his best "I'm really fucking upset face" and walked towards his house. He climbed back up the tree and reopened his window. His mom had slipped a note under his door saying how she was sorry, but still mad that's he's gay. She also mentions how he can t keep sneaking off to go see Min-sama. He cummpled the paper and threw it away. He took off his really nice date clothes, threw on some pj's, closed the window, and got under the covers. He needed some rest, even though it was only 6:45. He soon fell asleep and all things were okay.
Sorry for any typos! Was just trying to send this out as quickly as possible!

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