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Poor girl

Too afraid to share

One more secret?

Too afraid

It would hurt your precious little friends?

Well here's some news for you


You've hurt them bad already

You shouldn't have told them

Face it

You're just one more thing

They have to worry about

Shouldn't have told them

But it's too late now


About that other thing

Why don't you just

Let loose?

You can't damage them anymore

You tried to kill yourself, girlie

That doesn't just go away

Not even one time

Several times

But every time

Every single bloody time

Something stopped you


It was fear

Or maybe family busting in

Just hide the blade, girl

You'll get another chance

But then

The latest ones

You were all set to go through with it

All set to take your own life

But then

There was him

He called you

Nothing big

Just to ask you

What time book club was

He saved you that day

Though he didn't know it

And probably never will

But now

He's gone

The next time it happens

There's no call coming

Poor girlie

He doesn't love you anymore

Now that he's out of the picture

Why don't you try?

One last time

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