And there's no point of getting another humiliation after what happened last night.


Hanbin found an earing when he was cleaning up his room. Thin smirk appeared on his face. The memory of her moans last night replaying inside his head. She might be a little drunk last night but him, he was sober and he cannot limit himself from recording every interaction their skin made. To be completely honest, Jennie might be the best he ever had, not only because he only had the same sex partner with the same girl for the last four years or because the whole one year after broke up he acted like a monk. But he could feel it, sex with Jennie will never be boring.

Hanbin park his car not far from the coffeeshop, he saw Jisoo along the way, "nuna!"

She turned around, "Hanbinie," she immediately gave him a heavy shopping bag.

"You went shopping?"

"Yeah, I came I little early, so..." Jisoo let it hanging, "by the way, you left me in the club!"


"Oh my God..." Hanbin panicking because he went there with Jisoo and left with Jennie, totally forgot about her, "I'm—"

"Don't worry..." Jisoo laughs, "I saw you when you left."


She nodded, "with a girl."

He knew his ear must be shifting color.

"Good... good..." she patted his back, "go move on already!"

Hanbin chuckled, awkwardly. "No nuna, she's just... acquaintance."

"Hahaha!" Jisoo laughing, "acquaintance that you locked lips with before get into your car? Or... precisely back seat of the car... hmm, I wonder who would drive?"

"Nunaaa..." he groans while his ears are completely red, "wait." He paused, "You're outside? What are you doing?"

Jisoo startled, "I—"

"Are you smoking??" outside is usually where smokers suck one or two ciggarette since it's prohibited inside the club.

"No, no!"

"Then what are you doing outside?"

"Uh, I was—looking for... you know, fresh air."

Hanbin squinting his eyes, "don't smoke!"


Jennie saw Jiwon at their campus canteen few days later. His face is cloudy, not sure if it has anything to do with something like assignment he typed on the laptop, or because of other thing.

"Lumpy day?" Jennie sat in front of him.

Jiwon paused, suddenly pushed his laptop aside, "you know what," he said, "Lisa didn't text me."


"Lisa. The dolly face girl."

Jennie stunts, "Lisa? Text? Y-you? What??" she's trying to find any sensible facts in Jiwon's sentence.

Jiwon don't say hi to his one night stand girls. He would look away when they accidentally met on the street the next day. But today, in this picturesque sunny day, Jiwon whining about not getting a text from a girl??

"This is stupid. I know that you—" he pointed at Jennie, "girl with a dead heart won't understand."

"Oh talk about my heart right now Kim Jiwon?? I only being my usual self. Drunk, get laid, satisfied as hell, and left them in the morning. That. Is. It." No, she doens't have to talk about lingering kisses before she left. No. "So now talk to me why this Lisa girl get you distracted?"

End Game Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz