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I'll give you two types of things about love and I'll explain in great detail in the story love is an emotion you okay you ever get that fuzzy feeling when you walk me see a girl that you would see me look into her eyes and she will put your eyes and you knew it was love at first sight I had that once everybody's had that once and also that you loved your parents and love something that somebody did inspired you like a book or music or anyting inspired you to do whatever you can do in your dreams cuz love is the answer love beats the darkness I love can guessing the trouble with love can be be positive all the time you self most of all sometimes we struggle to love herself sometimes we think we're not worth it lover keeper by yourself if you have a wife I love her and keep her by your side those are things you should have in life love you creator for everything you do and praise him love those around you love your enemies if you would love yourself give the shirt off your back had love for the poor love is the answer to all your worries cuz love is the most powerful emotion to love can beat the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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