chapter 1-ash blonde bitch

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"The school of my dreams.the school where pro heros were born.heros like all might.obviously it's the school i signed up for.lets just hope I pass the entrance exam in a few weeks. I've put my hard work this year knowing next year is where the real shit starts."

         I fantasized until my phone was my best friend since kindergarten, naomi haruka(don ask)I picked up the phone wondering what is it the girl wanted to talk about.
"Hey,(y/l)!im gonna grab some food.wanna come?kinda loneley right now"
"Well I would.but I was just gonna go train.the entrance exam IS in a few weeks.c'mon,train with me."
" with you is super'd never go easyy"

Heh,shes not wrong

"Still,aren't you worried?you signed up for UA too.if your heading for UA,your gonna have to work extra hard.they're accepting only 1% of the popularity this year."
"O shit,you hear that?I think my moms calling me.gotta go"
Before I could finnish my sentence,she hung up.
I sighed at my friends' act knowing her quirky behaviour much different from mine.and i should know as her childhood friend.
              I got my things and changed to my normal sportswear.a tanktop,sweatpants and nike shoes.I also bought a bag with my phone,a towel and a water bottle.I then headed for the outdoor gym near my was really wide and had a big basketball court beside it.
             I settled my things on a bench and warmed up.after my body was all set,I went into the basketball court which was quirk-proofed for some reason so id always fo there to test my I walked in,I saw a guy inside.he had ash blonde hair and he was exploding everything."thats a cool quirk I thought to myself.I wanted to confront him but he looked to busy um...exploding everything.he stopped eventually so I walked towards him.he turned around the same time I got to him making us bump into each other.we both fell and he was on top of me.(uwu attacc)
"WHAT THE-?!?"his face turned red but I thought it was probably from all those explosions.he quickly got up and so did I."WATCH WHERE YOUR WALKING NEXT TIME,BASTARD"
"Wh-what?your the one who wasnt looking-" "ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK FOR TROUBLE?!?" "what?no,I was just gonna train here and I happened to see you and your cool quirk so I thought we-" "YA DARN RIGHT MY QUIRK IS COOL.COOLER THAN ANY OF YOU EXTRA'S USELESS QUIRKS" "hey,my quirk isnt useless you jerk" "OH YEAH?THEN PROVE IT RIGHT NOW" "look,im not here to look for trouble.besides its illegal to use your quirk to hurt others if you dont have a license" "WHO THE FUCK CARES" "if you say so.." as soon as I said that,the boy ran full speed towards me with explosions coming out of his palms.
I quickly dodged it and touched his arm.he fell on the ground face-first as I made him loose control of himself with my quirk."WHAT THE HE'LL ARE YOU DOING!?!"he said angrily while I dragged him out of the court."out of bounds.i win.ok,i guess im gonna go home now"i said as I un-paralized him.I grabbed my things totally ignoring the ash blonde hair boy yelling at me."HEY,DON'T IGNORE ME-"."what's your name again?"."what?" "Oh yeah,you never told me.I'm (f/n) (y/n).and you?" "Katsuki bakugou"He answered still sounding pissed."kacchan.i like that" "dont you dare call me fucking kacchan" "ok kacchan,i had fun dealing with your spazz-ass but im gonna have to go now" "tsk"he clicked still pissed.I left him there probably still mouring over defeat."after I get home,im gonna have a nice,hot shower"i thought to myself while skipping back home

Nyaaaaa~~I hope u liked this.and by u I mean probably only nad and sof cuz theyre the only people who knows I exist in wattpad.pleas vote,I need money to eeeatttt QWQWQWQ note to sof:bakagou is pissed when y/n called him kacchan cuz the only person who calls him that is deku.and he hates deku owo.

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