"I probably shouldn't have pulled you in here tonight" she whispered sadly breaking away a little to look up at him. "I selfishly needed your love Johnny, you've made me so happy over the last few months of filming....but I was cruel enough not to consider your feelings in all this, I'm sorry"

"Stop saying that Helena, please stop with this guilt ok? We've both had a little to much to drink yet again and find ourselves seeking each other's company...I only want what's best for you" he said not wanting to push her or make her feel anymore guilty then she already was. "To be honest I too should have considered your emotional state, I'm as much to blame as you"

"I love you Johnny" she whispered sadly cupping his cheek. "But I'm afraid to commit to anything"

"Helena please don't....I understand, you haven't even broken off your engagement yet I'm not expecting you to commit to anything soon....as long as you know I'm here for you and that I'll help you deal with whatever might come" his words shattered her already broken heart and all she could do was lean in and hug him tightly.

"Thank you" she whispered into his chest taking this moment to just get her head straight. She needed to pick her life back up, a life that had been slipping through her fingers so fast she hadn't realised she had lost control of holding onto it.


David sat there glaring at Helena as if he might jump up and strangle her at any moment. She was breaking up with him! On their engagement night!

"This is because of Johnny isn't it!" He snapped across their hotel room. Everyone had left and the party was over. Johnny had his car waiting outside for Helena, waiting for her when she finished with David.

"Johnny is a part of it yes, if you must know he's the only person that's kept me sane....but I know you've been seeing someone called Olivia and I know now you were only going to go through with this whole charade because I had a steady income of money" she explained rather calmly sitting across the other side if the room.

She noticed the change in David's face, how he looked a little guilty for being caught. She wanted to cry knowing how he knew everything she was saying was true. 

"I loved you..." she whispered painfully tears brimming in her eyes. "But I was stupid enough to believe you actually loved me back"

He sat there silent not knowing what to say. He had been caught, she knew everything and for that he was the guilty one here.

"You've been fucking Johnny" he snapped back like he had the upper hand which only had her scoffing and shaking her head.

"I admit that yes, he's the only one that has been able to pick up the pieces... I don't regret that David, you can't really sit there accusing me when you've been having a fling with this Olivia woman for god knows how long...not only that but you have been using me..." the fact he thought he had the right to accuse her was ridiculous.

"I want you to notify everyone that the wedding is off, I hope you and your girlfriend have a lovely life, but I won't be funding it anymore" with that she stood and removed her engagement ring off her finger. "You really are an arsehole" she whispered looking at him with such sorrow in her eyes as she placed the ring on the dressing table in their hotel room.

"Olivia is my ex wife Helena, I think I owe it to you to tell you that I never stopped loving her" he stood walking over to her as she frowned. She never even knew he had been married, so he really had been sleeping with his ex this whole time. She felt sick...

Looking at him one last time she only felt disgust and anger towards him now. "Make each other happy" she said completely hurt by him now.

Opening up the door she left and closed it behind her. She couldn't put into words how angry she was at herself for being so stupid, David had used her this whole time and she allowed it too blind with love for him to see. She had been a fool.

Reaching the front door of the Cambridge hotel they were staying at Helena walked fast over the gravel to Johnny's car and opened up the passenger side. He could see the hurt in her eyes as she sat in his car and closed the door, he knew she wasn't ready to talk and so started up the engine to his Mercedes.

"I'll take you to your mums..." he began as they drove off.

"No" she whispered gulping down hard knowing she was close to tears again. "Can I stay with you tonight? Not like you think... just to be near you? I need a friend now Johnny..." she said softly looking over at him as he drove them back to London.

Glancing at her he smiled supportively before focusing back at the road. "Of course" he whispered reaching one hand off the steering wheel to gently place over hers. She smiled shyly at the gesture and held his hand giving it a small squeeze.

"Thank you Johnny"

A/N: please let me know your thoughts❤️ also I haven't forgotten Jessica😂 she will be brought up in the next chapter!

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