"So David has gambled away your earnings as well?" Again he could see in her face that it was true. "How much?" He was afraid to ask but then he needed to know just what she had lost.

Looking to the floor as the tears began to softly fall Helena gulped feeling nervous and embarrassed.
"Two million" she whispered so full of shame. She had helped David with the money, had spent what ever she earnt as an actress to help pay of his debts. At first she had been horrified but David had been a mess, had told her how he would give it up but he never did.

Walking back over Johnny pulled her into his arms and held her close as she began to cry. He couldn't believe David had done this to her. Helena didn't deserve this. This man who was supposedly in love with her had been using her this whole time and she didn't even know. She had loved him and helped him when in reality David had been sharing his bed with another woman...

"Why did you allow this Helena? Why were you still going to marry him..." he couldn't get his head around it. She wasn't a fool, she wasn't stupid yet throwing away her life's work was something he couldn't contemplate.

"Because I love him Johnny....or did at one point, hopelessly....last night when I saw those messages on his phone...well I didn't know what to think..." her tears stained her faces and she tried her very best not to cry too hard.

Pulling back to look at her he frowned not understanding why she was still supposedly going through with this. "Why didn't you call tonight off?"

His question had her looking to the floor again not quite knowing what to say. "I don't know" she whispered truthfully. If she were honest she was afraid to break up with David, she also wanted to see Johnny tonight too and was worried if she cancelled then Johnny might not have come.

"Why did you really bring me in here Hellie...." he was afraid to ask yet he had to know. This was so unlike her...

Shaking her head she closed her eyes painfully again. "Because...I missed you Johnny....I've felt so alone these last few months and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either..."

Smiling sadly at her words he pulled her gently back into his arms and held her close. "Then I haven't been going mad on my own...." he said softly running his hands soothingly up and down her back.

"I'm sorry for being such a mess" she said a shy smile tugging at her lips at how he was looking at her. God it felt so good when he held her like this, it was like nothing could ever harm her. She loved him, she always had but there was still that worry in the back of her mind that he would break her heart. She knew it was probably ridiculous but then she couldn't help how she felt, he did it once before what's to say he couldn't do it agin.

"You need to break up with David Helena, and when you do please tell him to go fuck himself because no one should ever use you like that..." his anger towards David was apparent in his face and all Helena could do was look down sadly.

"I've hardly been fair myself towards him...." she said realising how stupid she was to get herself drunk enough to fall back into bed with Johnny not once but twice.

"Helena the man was going to marry you because you helped him pay for what he stupidly lost, he has been cheating on you much longer then I'm afraid you would care to know... you're not the guilty party here" he said cupping her face in her hands seeing it crumble sadly.

"I loved him so much" she broke down again her heart shattering in pain.

Pulling her close Johnny had a good mind to find David himself and beat the living crap out of him for doing this to someone as innocent as Helena. He could tell she was heartbroken, could tell she loved him enough to help pay off his stupidity. The arsehole had used her and fucked around with some other woman why Helena was left to pick up the pieces.

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