Chapter 5: Brother 2

Start from the beginning

Andy: Very well, Buster come here boy, sick her.

The jager started to run but buster caught up to her I recorded the whole thing. After a while the jager surrendered. I decided to hold an axe to her neck.

Jager: Alright, alright I give up.

Andy: Good, How'd you escape in the first place answer me or I'll slice your neck open what's it going to be?

jager: Alright, alright I'll tell you.

The jager told me why she escaped.

Andy: Now you stay here with Buster to make sure you go nowhere, Now I got a phone call to make, got it?

Jager: Got it.

I made a call. Henry answered his phone.

Henry: Hello?

Andy: hey Henry

Henry: Hey Andy what's up

Andy: you know that Jager from the Nacht Falter, turns out she escaped and hid in the Brother Two garage. But I saw here and my dog is guarding her.

Henry was surprised.

Henry: You managed to capture the Jager on your own?

Andy: Yep, lets just say that my Nazi fighting skills are the best. Be sure to tell everybody and tell everybody to meet me on the top of Brother 2.

henry: I will, bye Andy.

Andy: Bye Henry.

After a while I got bored so me and my dog walked around the garage for a while with my dog I decided to take the Jager with me as my prisoner. I asked the jager of she has a name.

Andy: Whats your name?

Jager: My Name is Andrea.

Andy: Nice name for a Nazi. Want to remove that helmet, you look like a female F1 driver.

Andrea, removed her helmet and I was in for a surprise. 

Andy: Andrea, what's up with the white blonde hair and those shades and how old are you anyway?

Andrea: I'm 56 years old.

My jaw dropped.

Andy: That's the same age as my mom at one point. Let me you were born in 1956 same year as my mom.

Andrea: That's right. I'm sorry for trying to attack you.

Andy: It happens, you seem nice. And you're old enough to be married, where's your husband.

Andrea: My husband died during WW2 fighting the allies.

Andy: Pfft, that sucks, the allies lost the war because of advanced technology.

My next stop in Brother 2 were the hangers where I stored lots of Nazi Machines.

Andy: Hey guys, so here we are in Hanger 1, where I see Nazi Armored Personnel Carriers and Nazi Fighter Jets and I'm here with my dog buster and Andrea the Jager. Our Next stop is a huge garage.

When Andrea, Buster and I got to the Garage, we saw something big, another Zitadelle.

Andy: Oh great, another Zitadelle. Should we fight it?

Andrea: Yes.

Andy: Buster you stay and hide I don't want to get killed.

Buster hid.

Andy: Ready Andrea?

Andrea: Yep.

Andy: lets go.

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